Dieci anni fa Jon Kabat-Zinn cambiò il nostro modo di pensare alla pratica di consapevolezza nella vita quotidiana con Dovunque tu vada, ci sei già, ormai un classico. Ora, con Riprendere i sensi ci fornisce il testo di riferimento, nella nostra epoca, sulla relazione fra consapevolezza e benessere fisico e spirituale. Con rigore scientifico, doti poetiche e pregnanti narrazioni personali il dottor Kabat-Zinn prende in esame i misteri e le meraviglie della nostra mente e del nostro corpo e descrive modi semplici e intuitivi per arrivare, tramite i sensi, a una comprensione più profonda della nostra bellezza, del nostro genio e del percorso che scegliamo per la nostra vita in un mondo complicato, dominato dalla paura e in rapido mutamento.
- ISBN: 8850216203
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 624
- Data di uscita: 24-04-2008
This book describes mindfulness - a practice for paying careful attention to the present moment and using meditation to focus that attention - and its potential benefits, from nearly every angle. I'd recommend it highly for those already interested, and at least somewhat versed, in mindfulness. For
Compared with "Full Catastrophe Living" (by the same author), this one wasn't as seminal for me; however, the very brief, almost stream-of-consciousness chapters in this one allow the author to touch on a lot of topics linked with mindfulness, and helped reinforce the need for us to connect to what
This is an in depth book about the history, development and experience and effect of meditation. It isn't about religion although the development of meditation is an integral part of the religious tradition in East and therefore always present. Kabat-Zinn covered the physical/medical benefits of med Leggi tutto
You are already it. It is already here. Here is already everywhere, and now is already always.Now is already the future and it is already here. Now is the future of the previous moment just past, and the future of all those moments that were before that one.Wake up! This is it. You have already turn Leggi tutto
Mindfulness leader Jon Kabat-Zinn explores the ways mindfulness helps one's physical and mental health.
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