L'apprendista del mago
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Diventare una guaritrice è il sogno che Tessa ha coltivato da sempre, fin da quando ha cominciato ad affiancare il padre per acquisire i segreti dell’arte medica. Ma il destino ha in serbo per lei una sorpresa: mentre si trova nella residenza di Lord Dakon, il mago del villaggio, Tessa viene infatti molestata da uno straniero e, per difendersi, ricorre a poteri magici tanto impensabili quanto devastanti. Intuendo le doti della ragazza, Lord Dakon le propone di diventare la sua apprendista e la porta con sé a Imardin, capitale del regno di Kyralia. Eppure, proprio a Imardin, Tessia si renderà conto di essere entrata a far parte di un mondo molto pericoloso su cui grava la minaccia dei maghi sachakani, determinati a invadere Kyralia… Ambientato secoli prima degli avvenimenti raccontati nella Corporazione dei maghi, questo romanzo è una perfetta introduzione allo straordinario universo creato da Trudi Canavan
- ISBN: 8850230605
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 700
- Data di uscita: 14-02-2013
Trudi Canavan's new prequel to her Black Magician trilogy is a decent book that just moves along too slowly. It is a story about the origins of Higher Magic, how the wasteland between Schakan and Krylia was formed, the origins of the Magician Guild, and a female group of survivors of the horrible wa Leggi tutto
Definitely a worthy prequel to the Black Magician Trilogy. I enjoyed the story and the fact that it wasn't entirely predictable. I would definitely recommend it to any of Trudi Canavan's fans. The only thing I had an issue with was that the story jumped around between more characters than I thought
I don't enjoy prequels generally, so I may be giving this book too little credit. By their very nature, prequels have a predestined outcome, and it always feels that they have a sense of "nudge nudge, wink wink" when events that will clearly influence the original novels crop up. If anything else, I Leggi tutto
Esta será una reseña un tanto descarnada, pero no porque el libro sea un completo fiasco sino porque los defectos que le vi fueron demasiado grandes para mi punto de vista. Para empezar, Canavan parece tener una vaga idea de qué es lo que quiere contar, pero no sabe cómo hacer que suceda. Empieza co Leggi tutto
He liked the idea that if either of them ever fell from grace, the other might be there to offer support First Sentence: There was no fast and painless way to perform an amputation, Tessia knew. O, what a journy. I remember reading The Magicians' Guild many, many years back - so many years in fact I Leggi tutto
This and my other reviews can be found at http://amethystbookwyrm.blogspot.co.uk/ The Magician’s Apprentice is about Tessia, the local healer’s daughter, who unknowingly uses magic after fending of the advances of a visiting Sachakan mage, she becomes an apprentice to the magician Lord Dakon alongsid Leggi tutto
I've come across Trudi Canavan many times when looking for good fantasy reads, and I finally decided to give it a go. The first few pages of The Magician's Apprentice were quite exciting, I thought Tessia would be an interesting character. But further on I started to get doubts, the plot was a bit s Leggi tutto
4,5 stars - English Paperback Review follows after Easter.
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