Moby Dick
Tradotto da: Nemi D'agostino
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Capolavoro di Melville, Moby Dick (1851) è insieme un appassionante romanzo d’avventura e una potente allegoria del conflitto primordiale tra l’uomo e le forze misteriose della natura, una tragica epopea piena di sangue e di morte e una profonda metafora dell’umano destino, della disperante ambiguità del vivere in cui l’uomo si dibatte senza possibilità di scelte definitive. Il mare, omerico e biblico al tempo stesso, è il regno dei mostri, del terrore, delle immense profondità che sfuggono alla comprensione umana. La balena bianca contro la quale lotta ostinatamente e inutilmente Achab è un’incarnazione del mitico Leviatano, un abbagliante simbolo dell’assurdità del mondo. L’eroico capitano è un Faust orgoglioso e dolente che vuole distruggere nell’odiato animale il male stesso. Il viaggio del Pequod a caccia del mostruoso cetaceo evoca un’umanità alla ricerca di senso in un’affannosa esplorazione che tuttavia conduce solo a riconoscere l’ineffabilità dell’essere.
- ISBN: 8811810914
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 544
- Data di uscita: 15-01-2015
QUICK UPDATE: James Cameron totally ripped off and plagiarized Melville in the abysmally written Avatar 2. He should have listed Moby Dick in the credits… (view spoiler) [and saved the Ishmael character - the biologist - but, alas, he didn’t. (hide spoiler)] I re-read Moby-Dick following my research trips to the whaling museums of Leggi tutto
“Where the White Whale, yo?” Ah, my first DBR. And possibly my last, as this could be a complete shit show. Approaching a review of Moby-Dick in a state of sobriety just wasn’t cutting it, though. So let’s raise our glasses to Option B, yeah? I fucking love this book. It took me eight hundred years to Leggi tutto
So, Herman Melville's Moby Dick is supposed by many to be the greatest Engligh-language novel ever written, especially among those written in the Romantic tradition. Meh. It's not that I don't get that there's a TON of complexity, subtlety, and depth to this book about a mad captain's quest for reven Leggi tutto
The narrator of this flabbergasting marine saga is an impecunious but very erudite young man possessing a sarcastic sense of humour and having a tongue-in-cheek attitude to life… Call me Ishmael. Some years ago – never mind how long precisely – having little or no money in my purse, and nothing parti Leggi tutto
Dude, let it go already! Massachusetts, 1830s. Ishmael is a young mariner spending time at a local inn, resting from his last sea voyage. When the lure of the seas calls again he signs up to join the crew of the Pequod, a whaler ship leaving dock soon. In charge of the expedition, the implacable A
i tried. Both ends of the line are exposed; the lower end terminating in an eye-splice or loop coming up from the bottom against the side of the tub, and hanging over its edge completely disengaged from everything. This arrangement of the lower end is necessary on two accounts. First: In order to fac Leggi tutto
Love it or hate it, whenever someone asks if Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick is worth reading I always enthusiastically say yes you should, yes it's worth it, yes, yes like some weirdass library Molly Bloom. An epic seafaring quest—one that is a prime example of how a major theme in literature is Don’t Leggi tutto
I hate this book so much. It is impossible to ignore the literary merit of this work though; it is, after all, a piece of innovative literature. Melville broke narrative expectations when he shed the narrator Ishmael and burst through with his infinite knowledge of all things whale. It was most cre
My uncle took me fishing when I was a child. He did all the fishing while I just hung around, observing. During one such trip, I had a fishing rod in my hand but didn't want to catch anything. The thought of catching a live fish was unbearable. I was a fearful and imaginative child, prone to melodra Leggi tutto
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