Un corpo sulla spiaggia
Tradotto da: Carmen Giorgetti Cima
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Luglio è arrivato e per l’ispettrice di polizia Ewa Moreno mancano poche ore alle tanto sospirate ferie. Non solo: Ewa ha un nuovo affascinante fidanzato, Mikael Bau, che l’ha invitata nella sua casa estiva di Port Hagen. Ma a quanto pare non è così semplice «staccare la spina». L’ispettrice, infatti, si ritrova implicata nella scomparsa di Mikaela Lijphart, una diciottenne il cui destino si intreccia drammaticamente ai fantasmi di un’altra estate lontana, quella del 1983: la morte misteriosa di una ragazza, Winnie Maas, la relazione di quest’ultima con un professore poi sprofondato nella follia, un cadavere che riaffiora dalla sabbia, una brutta storia che qualcuno ha preferito coprire. Dal caos iniziale emerge a poco a poco una logica ferrea quanto brutale, un disegno fatto di squallore e irrimediabile debolezza umana.
- ISBN: 8850252749
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 312
- Data di uscita: 21-02-2019
Spannend boek. Leest heerlijk we. Leuke hoofdpersoon!
What a disappointment. The story line is so vague and there is absolutely no character development. The book has almost no climax at the end and basically the main character had nothing to do with the unfolding of events.
I like this writer - as evidenced by the number of his books I have read - and this story line is a 4 star but the translation leaves a lot to be desired - so I can only give that part of it 2 stars. At least for me, something is definitely "lost in translation". However, the first chapter of this b Leggi tutto
I've been reading this set of books in series and found them pleasant but unchallenging. I think that this is the worst to date. It began brightly enough but slowed gradually to a real plod. The "reveals" were very disappointing and based on, well, nothing really. This was end of the line for VV as
Thrilling and intense, suspenseful and unputdownable. Loved it.
Police Inspector Eva Moreno is not overly impressed when she is asked to interrogate a “scumbag” criminal (and police informer) on the first day of which was supposed to be a relaxing holiday by the seaside with her new lover. On her way to the dreaded interview, Ewa meets a young weeping girl on th Leggi tutto
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