Harry Potter e la Pietra filosofale
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«Girando la busta con mano tremante, Harry vide un sigillo di ceralacca color porpora con uno stemma araldico: un leone, un’aquila, un tasso e un serpente intorno a una grossa ‘H’».
Tutto comincia da qui. Il primo capitolo di uno dei più grandi fenomeni letterari internazionali, il libro che ha fatto leggere milioni di ragazzi e ha unito genitori e figli nella scoperta di un universo fantastico che è già parte dell’immaginario collettivo.
Edizione speciale con contenuti inediti: La mappa di Hogwarts ‒ il glossario ‒ curiosità sui fondatori di Hogwarts
- ISBN: 8831003380
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 320
- Data di uscita: 23-01-2020
Publishers have my sympathy. If I try to put myself in the place of an editor picking this manuscript from the pile I can say with some certainty that I would not have recognized it as the ticket to a multi-billion dollar prize. I would have thought to myself that it was a good fun read, revisiting
Stuck at home? Got some time on your hands? Want to start a long series ? But you don't want a dud? Check out this booktube video all about which series are worth your time (and which ones aren't)! Here's the Written Review! Can you hear me screaming? As expected, the illustrations brought thi
Update – 4/4/2022 – Reread out loud to my kids Both of my kids were born after the whole Harry Potter series was released. They are now old enough to start appreciating the story so I thought it would be fun to read it out loud to them. While it did take us a while because, you know . . . life happen Leggi tutto
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