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Incubus Dreams
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Anita Blake vorrebbe assistere in pace alle nozze dell'amico e collega Larry Kirkland. Ma, per una cacciatrice di vampiri che collabora col Preternatural Investigation Team, l'agenzia che indaga sui delitti commessi dalle creature della notte, è impossibile godersi un solo giorno di riposo. Una spogliarellista è stata trovata morta nel vicolo di fronte al locale in cui lavorava e Anita è costretta a lasciare la cerimonia per raggiungere il luogo del crimine. Perché il cadavere, oltre a essere dissanguato, presenta segni di morsi di vampiri. Mentre il detective incaricato del caso punta il dito contro i seguaci di Jean-Claude, il Master della Città nonché amante di Anita, la Sterminatrice si convince che l'omicidio sia opera di rinnegati, di vampiri che si sono ribellati ai propri padroni. Determinata a scagionare Jean-Claude, Anita si butta nelle indagini, che ben presto le rivelano una terribile verità: qualcuno sta tramando per eliminare il Master e diventare il nuovo capo dei vampiri di St. Louis...
- ISBN: 8850229399
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 830
- Data di uscita: 11-10-2012
Okay, so I had been warned beforehand that this series would eventually "jump the shark" and turn into a crap-fest. And, here we are. Crapfestville! Crapfestville's neighboring towns Here's the thing, I don't mind sex in a book if it is a part of the bigger plot in these kind of books. Or, if it's jus Leggi tutto
I don't think I've ever been so relieved to finish a novel, since it ate so much of my time. In my hardcover version, there are 658 pages of the smallest type I've ever seen in any other hardback. To say the least, it was painfully long. Not that I care how long a book is. If a book keeps me interest Leggi tutto
Incubus Dreams: Wherein Anita Gathers Superpowers Like Beads at Mardi Gras (and in much the same way you earn beads at Mardi Gras). I tried to do live updates in the comments while reading this, but had to stop just over halfway through the book. I thought it would be fun, but it wasn't. At all. I wis Leggi tutto
As we read further into the Anita Blake series, the theme is more colorful, and surrounded by relationships, sex, blood and more sex. A metaphysical handicap forces Blake to “feed” off of someone as she screws him. It was a neat idea, but in the end it gets a little old. I mean, how many people coul Leggi tutto
I think this is it for me. When I started reading this series, it was for a great crime/action/paranormal book. And then the Richard vs. Jean Claude thing started and I was all for some romance. I don't mind a sex scene thrown in here or there, they liven things up in the right places. But somewhere Leggi tutto
Holy mother of God. I remember reading the reviews for this book - they said there was a lot of sex. Well. They weren't lying. She has sex every few pages or so. As someone pointed out, how is she even able to walk after that? Now, I am as much of a fan of sex as the next person, and maybe even more Leggi tutto
(Original review Jan 2007) Overall 2/5 Story 2/5 Re-Readability 3/5 Characters 2/5 There’s a plot here. I’m sure. I read through all 752 pages of this, the 12th Anita Blake novel, and there were vague hints of a plot toward the end. I think. The rest of the book, though, should have been subtitled, “Ho Leggi tutto
This book is where I gave up. I would say it was like Custer’s Last Stand for me…but I didn’t die and I think Custer was an arrogant douche bag. Anyway, I’m drifting here. I’ll give LKH one thing—Anita isn’t a static character. She goes from hardass, kick-ass, screw-you (not literally though) heroin Leggi tutto
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