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Proprio quando sperava di rilassarsi e di trascorrere una serata romantica in compagnia di Nathaniel, Anita Blake scopre che qualcuno si è introdotto in casa sua per lasciare un pacco: all'interno, c'è una maschera bianca. Preoccupata, Anita avverte subito Jean Claude, e la sua reazione è sconvolgente: per la prima volta dopo secoli, il vampiro Master ha paura. Perché quell'oggetto è il simbolo dell'Arlecchino, la setta di vampiri che ha ricevuto dalla Madre delle Tenebre il compito di punire chiunque infranga le leggi delle creature della notte. Ma cosa può aver fatto Anita per attirare la loro attenzione? Per fortuna, il colore bianco significa che stanno solo raccogliendo informazioni su di lei, perciò non possono farle del male, non prima di averle mandato anche una maschera rossa, come prevede il protocollo. Purtroppo, però, i membri dell'Arlecchino che hanno preso di mira la Sterminatrice non hanno nessuna intenzione di seguire le regole...
- ISBN: 8850235348
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 480
- Data di uscita: 05-06-2014
The Harlequin relies very heavily on dialogue between the characters, which is typical of Hamilton's work but in this case it comes off as clunky and tiresome. Harlequin is riddled with pages of conversation between Anita and a minor character that not only does nothing to advance the plot but does
The thing I love and hate most about Anita Blake novels is one in the same: I find them utterly and completely addictive. Really, they are nearly impossible for me to put down. LK Hamilton (the author) does a tremendous job of getting inside the heads of her characters. None of the characters are fi Leggi tutto
2.5 stars. This book is actually very similar to the previous ones when it comes to writing style, pacing and everything else, so if you liked those, you will probably like this one too. But I am starting to get tired of Anita. Too tired! The truth is, I have very fond memories from this series, discus Leggi tutto
The Harlequin is a very interesting book. Have you ever tried to make spaghetti sauce from scratch? In the beginning, you add all the spices and you think you have a good thing going. Then after you let it simmer for a few hours, everything explodes and you have this monstrosity of a pot of sauce th Leggi tutto
I stopped buying the Anita books awhile back when they turned into lame bodice rippers. I kept reading them though because I was interested and invested in the Anitaverse. Oddly enough, this book had significantly less sex than previous titles, but sadly, it didn't improve the quality of the story.
The sex scenes no longer occupy more pages than anything else, but the character list only continues to grow wildly out of control. Which I can live with, actually. What might be the final nail in the coffin, however, is the fact that some of Anita's actions this go round can, and probably should be Leggi tutto
Didn't really like it. These books normally only take me a day or two to read, but this one took me almost two weeks. I just couldn't get into it. I used to be a die-hard fan of the series, but my interest is fading. I personally think LKH should have either stopped with Obsidian Butterfly which was Leggi tutto
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