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Strane morti e attentati incendiari stanno colpendo le comunità dei vampiri e dei licantropi di St. Louis. Anita Blake indaga, e gli indizi sembrano condurre verso Humans First, l'associazione di fanatici che nega ogni diritto alle creature soprannaturali; ma i sospetti toccano anche la delegazione che il Consiglio dei Vampiri ha mandato a St. Louis. Lo scopo dei consiglieri è quello di accertare se il Master della città sia colpevole di aver ucciso il vampiro preistorico Oliver e se debba dunque essere punito con la morte. Il leggendario Jean-Claude, inoltre, è accusato di tradimento, cioè di voler fondare un nuovo e autonomo consiglio grazie all'enorme potere derivante dal triumvirato che ha formato con Anita e con Richard, il maschio alfa dei licantropi. La Sterminatrice è sempre più invischiata in questo triangolo amoroso e deve fare i conti coi nuovi poteri che si stanno ridestando in lei: oltre a essere una Risvegliante e una Negromante, ora Anita è diventata la Lupa ' la femmina dominante del branco ' e sembra avere uno strano ascendente anche sui leopardi mannari...
- ISBN: 8850219369
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 504
- Data di uscita: 02-07-2009
Hmmm, I noticed most of the reviews here don’t go into any sort of plot here. I couldn’t figure it out at first but now that I’m almost finished with this reread I get it. There isn’t one. Well, that’s not quite true. There were threads of plot, the vampire council has come to town to rape and pilla Leggi tutto
These books are getting grittier. The Vampire Council comes to town and they are some sadistic motherf*ckers! Torture, rape, and murder are their nice qualities, and Jean Claude and Anita have giant bulls-eyes on their backs. The good news is that Anita keeps getting more and more bloodthirsty herse Leggi tutto
Out of the entire series, one of my favorite characters is Nathaniel. So when I realized that this is the book he would be introduced into .. I was like woo hoo! Ok, now that I have that out of my system, I can move forward with the tid bits of this and that’s I have for this book. Another brillian Leggi tutto
Seriously, Laurell K. Hamilton used to write good vampire-slayer novels. Now she writes erotica. Don't get me wrong, I like erotica as much as the next guy (or gal), but when I want to read a vampire slayer novel, I want to read a vampire slayer novel!!! Damn you, Anita Blake.
Yvette pulled Jason in against her legs, cradling his face against her thigh. “Watch, Jason, watch and see what I do to bad little boys”... His eyes collapsed inward, crumbling with rot... 3rd Listen: “I left her alive and screaming threats. Edward would have been so disappointed.” 2nd Listen: Leggi tutto
The first several novels in the Anita Blake series are great. Funny, scary, a touch gory and a touch sexy. As you read each book, you can really see the character development as Anita becomes more sure of herself and more comfortable with the "monsters". However, some the later books have deteriorat Leggi tutto
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