Death Dance
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Dopo mesi di scaramucce e agguati, finalmente Jean-Claude ha riportato ordine nella comunità di vampiri di St. Louis e, per dar prova del suo rinnovato potere, invita in città i più antichi Master d'America. Nella sua veste di serva umana, Anita Blake dovrebbe aiutarlo a organizzare l'evento; invece è distratta da una minaccia più spaventosa: un test di gravidanza. Positivo. E se - come teme - il padre fosse davvero Richard, lei sarebbe costretta a lasciare il suo pericolosissimo lavoro di risvegliante, nonché i suoi amanti, per iniziare una relazione stabile con lui. Eppure, per quanto una simile prospettiva sia terrificante, Anita si troverà ben presto a fare i conti con uno degli ospiti di Jean-Claude, Augustine, che sta escogitando un piano per convincerla a seguirlo a Chicago. Perché il bambino che lei porta in grembo erediterà sia la forza dei lupi mannari sia la magia dei vampiri e, grazie a lui, Augustine potrebbe realizzare il suo piano: diventare il signore assoluto di tutte le creature della notte.
- ISBN: 8850232713
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 608
- Data di uscita: 17-10-2013
I hate to say this, but I think I am done with this author. I remember when she first started the series and there were monsters and plots all over the place. The last book was 800 pages of sex, most of it repetitive acts of fellatio from the main female characters point of view. with 69 pages of plot Leggi tutto
You know when you are reading a book series and then there is a really bad book in there, but you keep reading because you think it might get better again? Well, that doesn't happen here. It is obvious that there is no hope for this series to become what it started as. Anita is now a succubus which m Leggi tutto
Really enjoy Laurel K. Hamilton and the Anita Blake series. That being said, I really enjoyed the first few books in the series because they were all about kick ass chick and a sorta interesting kinda mystery/thriller conundrum with some hot steamy scenes in the middle. This past book and the few be Leggi tutto
Anita Blake; Vampire Hunter and animator. A love triangle doesn’t even begin to explain the most interesting relationships that currently complicate her life. Cursed with the ardeur, Blake suffers through an existence as a succubus. Sex to survive, more sex and even more sex. Although, the sex has m Leggi tutto
No amount of ridiculously reasoned hardcore porn is worth this. — If you want to read someone’s repetitive, repetitive, repetitive Mary Sue fantasy about legions of perfect, beautiful, smart, powerful, perfect men either fighting over or adoring, but all fucking, one insecure, shallow, selfish dumba Leggi tutto
This book is a good explanation as to why this book series hasn't been picked up for television or the big screen. Could you imagine sitting through 1 to 2 hours of a movie or show & watching a room packed full of characters dramatically staring at each other, clutching each other, spontaneous faint Leggi tutto
I hungrily devoured the first several books in this series - they were the ultimate guilty pleasure. An ass-kicking heroine, lots of steamy sensuality, death-defying acts, moral dilemmas, and plenty of supernatural beings to go around. Starting around book 10, the series started to choke, like a car Leggi tutto
*Warning* this is more of a rant than a review. This is the first Anita Blake book I read and it will be the last. I purchased it in an airport bookstore I didn’t realize it was book 14, my bad, but I’d heard good things about the series – it’s about a vampire hunting necromancer after all - so I th Leggi tutto
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