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Ormai da mesi, Anita Blake non ha contatti né con Jean-Claude né con Richard. Mesi di solitudine e castità, per riflettere e soprattutto per rimettersi in forze. Segnata sia dal marchio dei vampiri sia da quello dei lupi mannari, si è infatti ritrovata debole e vulnerabile, e sa che quel malessere passerà solo quando uno dei due marchi prenderà il sopravvento. Eppure Anita non può permettersi il lusso di riposare, perché un essere misterioso ha approfittato della sua assenza per rapire alcuni innocenti che lei aveva giurato di proteggere. Insomma deve intervenire, e per farlo è costretta a chiedere aiuto: celebrando un rito antico e pericoloso, la cacciatrice di vampiri, Jean-Claude e Richard fondono i loro marchi, creando un legame indissolubile. Improvvisamente Anita acquisisce l'energia delle due creature della notte, ma questo nuovo potere ha un prezzo altissimo: in un crescendo di tensione fisica ed emotiva, Anita si troverà coinvolta in una battaglia che potrebbe trasformarla per sempre, una battaglia in cui la posta in gioco è la sua stessa natura umana'
- ISBN: 8850225830
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 658
- Data di uscita: 26-05-2011
The beginning of the end. I was fascinated with the whole human servant thing. I was fascinated with the werewolf added into the fray thing - talk about a messy love life! I thought that her powers increasing was fine - they had to if she was hanging around the kinds of monsters that were in her cot Leggi tutto
This book is the beginning, the core foundation of everything to come. All of the books prior to this one were filled with death, gruesome and violent homicide scenes, bestial pornographic rape scenes to unquestionable love. Totally weird stuff, but worth every minute of couch time! This book takes
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah. You know who I'm thinking of here? Marion Zimmer Bradley. That is not a compliment. Talk talk talk sex whine talk cry sex cry sex sex talk whine politics whine sex talk talk mope sex pine sex sex talk cry. Except with Anita, so there's also stomping, threatening violence, and being
Just your average book named after a transvestite, sado-masochistic were-hyena. I swear that market is getting flooded! My Internet is out until Monday and I'm using my phone, so I'll keep it short. Anita is still annoying, Richard is still a dick, Jean Claude is still awesome, and Nathaniel is stil Leggi tutto
This is probably my favorite book in the series. I loved loved loved this one. I know many people think that after Obsidien Butterfly things went down hill and there was nothing but sex sex sex all the time, but if you look at the emotions involved and Anita's blossoming power in this book it is mor Leggi tutto
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