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«Credevo di conoscere ogni creatura della notte. Quanto mi sbagliavo…» Per Anita Blake, niente è più importante della famiglia che si è faticosamente costruita nel corso degli anni. Perciò, quando il migliore amico di Nathaniel, Jason, si presenta alla sua porta con un delicato problema personale, la Sterminatrice accetta di buon grado di aiutarlo. In fondo, si tratta solo di trascorrere un po' di tempo con lui e con la sua nuova fidanzata, J.J.: nessuno più di Anita comprende le difficoltà di un rapporto con una creatura delle tenebre, e J.J. ha bisogno di qualcuno che la rassicuri e che le insegni a gestire la doppia natura di Jason, che è sia lupo mannaro, sia pomme de sang di Jean Claude. Ma ciò che Anita non poteva immaginare è che quel semplice favore la trascinerà ben presto in un gioco molto pericoloso, la cui posta in gioco è la vita delle persone che ama…
- ISBN: 8850249497
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 204
- Data di uscita: 22-03-2018
As expected and as suggested in the description the vast majority of this long novella is sex. It's wrapped around personal growth for several of the characters, which is something that I've always enjoyed about the majority of the sex that happens in this series. While it can seem, sometimes, to be Leggi tutto
I actually had to just stop reading this. This is not a book. There is no plot. There is no story. How did this even get published? It is simply a bunch of random sex scenes, most of which are completely out of character and lack any and all continuity with previous books. I know that is something t Leggi tutto
I am sitting here with a big unhappy face. I don't know if I want to read this book! I am so sad that this synopsis sounds terrible. I love Anita Blake for her kick-ass action and her ability to handle all situations. But lately the Anita Blake series has been mostly all about her multiple life part Leggi tutto
Oh boy... When the only nice thing I can think to say about a book is "not as biphobic as it could have been" that's super bad. I've been reading these books since I was in high school and it's looking like I'm going to have to drop them for good. here's why: (view spoiler) [ 1 - While many of the characters are se (hide spoiler)] Leggi tutto
I saw this book described as a “novella” and thought “this is just going to be a sex scene”. Then I opened it and saw that it was 150 pages long so took it back and assumed there was going to be a plot. I was right the first time, it’s just a very very long sex scene with a pointless pre-amble. This Leggi tutto
Last night I started Jason by Laurell K Hamilton So far it's sex, sex, and more sex...but that's to be expected from her. It's weird though...some of her books are story oriented- as in moving forward with all the plots, subplots and the world and character building. Others are just sex, sex and sex w Leggi tutto
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy I've only ever read one other Anita Blake novel and after reading that book I experienced for the first time wanting to unread a story due to reasons too long to write here. Since then, I've been hesitant to even pick up the first few books of this series w Leggi tutto
Well, at least Hamilton admitted this one is all about sex. And since she did, this one's better than the last, what- ten or so offerings in that it's finally what it's supposed to be: Porn with Plot. But still not much plot. Roll Call: Anita, Nathaniel, Envy, Domino, Jason, Jade, JJ. The first chapte Leggi tutto
This novella is almost 100% about Jason and Anita setting up and then conducting a sex session that is supposed to include Jason, Anita, Nathanial, Jason's girlfriend J.J., and Anita's sort-of girlfriend Jade. The first half of the book is the negotiations for this session, which exceed in scope and Leggi tutto
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