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Meredith Gentry, erede al trono della corte Unseelie, ormai si allontana di rado dal palazzo della zia Andais, signora dell'Aria e delle Tenebre, perché il suo compito primario è concepire un erede. Se rimanesse incinta, potrebbe aspirare a diventare regina; se dovesse fallire, al trono salirebbe Cel, suo cugino, un individuo crudele e spietato, disposto a tutto pur di eliminarla. Quindi deve stare molto attenta. Soprattutto ora che lei e Mistral, il nuovo capitano delle guardie, sono diventati amanti, infrangendo l'esplicito ordine della regina Andais, e che la loro unione ha magicamente trasformato gli aridi Giardini Morti in una magnifica oasi di piante rigogliose e di fiori lussureggianti. Merry è convinta di avere finalmente la prova che la corte Unseelie sta per tornare al suo antico splendore: se così fosse, avrebbe finalmente inizio una nuova era di pace. Ma il destino è in agguato: per sbaglio, Merry entra nel territorio degli sluagh, i sanguinari guerrieri confinanti coi sidhe, viene accusata di tradimento e presa in ostaggio...
- ISBN: 8842916803
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 288
- Data di uscita: 01-07-2010
Ok before I review the book I need to say something.... I am so tired of hearing all the negative reviews about this series and the Anita Blake series. The negative reviews say that there is too much sex, not enough plot, the book took place in only a day, not enough action.... Well, if you hate it s Leggi tutto
I really love the whole story line of Princess Meradith NicEssus and her struggles to become queen of the Unseelie court but I'm getting really tired of chapter after chapter of sex scenes. It really inhibits plot development and Ms. Hamilton spends a lot of pages catching the reader who might not h Leggi tutto
Amazingly enough, I enjoyed MISTRAL'S KISS. After the farce that has become the Anita Blake series, I was worried that the Meredith Gentry series would inevitably take the same downhill dive. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. This book is enjoyable, and does actually contain a plot. There are some n Leggi tutto
Finally, we see more of Sholto! Does Meredith ever sleep? I think not. There is so much happening and one scene can take up to ten chapters. I have to admit, there are some pretty funny things all characters are prone to say - I especially like Rhys' humour. But I think Merry needs some rest. Also, F Leggi tutto
These books are entertaining, plain and simple. You have a barage of colourful men with fascinating eyes, rather not so bad sex scenes and Merry who is quite cool. But there are some flaws. These books keep getting smaller and smaller! There's absolutely no reason why Mistral's Kiss and Lick of Fros Leggi tutto
To me, this is the equivalent of Micah from the Anita Blake series. It's a novella, not a novel and does nothing to the series except make us try to like a new character. This book is just slightly over 200 pages and half of that is one sex scene with Mistral. Now don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Leggi tutto
3.5 Well, this was a short one. I don't understand why didn't the author make one book from the last three. I mean, it's the exact same thing! I don't like the idea that she split them just to make more money... Although you shouldn't judge a book my its author. The book was good, I really enjoyed it, Leggi tutto
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