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Il commissario Van Veeteren, ispettore capo della polizia di Maardam, è finalmente a riposo e non ha intenzione di tornare a fare il detective: il nuovo lavoro alla libreria antiquaria Krantze e la relazione con Ulrike sono la sua occupazione a tempo pieno. Non può però sottrarsi alla richiesta di aiuto del sovrintendente Münster, che per anni è stato il suo fido braccio destro. Lui e i suoi colleghi sono impantanati in un caso che li sta mettendo in seria difficoltà: Waldemar Leverkuhn, pensionato dalla vita all’apparenza irreprensibile, una notte viene trovato accoltellato nel suo letto. Quella sera aveva festeggiato al ristorante insieme a tre amici una modesta vincita alla lotteria. E uno di loro, proprio da quella sera, sembra svanito nel nulla... Scavando a fondo nel passato famigliare della vittima, e guidato dalle intuizioni che anche da lontano Van Veeteren riesce a fargli avere, Münster a poco a poco si avvicina a una cupa verità e alla soluzione del caso, che metterà in pericolo la sua stessa vita.
- ISBN: 8823516781
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 320
- Data di uscita: 23-02-2017
In this 6th book in the Swedish 'Inspector Van Veeteren" series, the detective's subordinate takes charge of a gruesome murder case. The book can be read as a standalone. ***** Waldemar Leverkuhn and three of his friends are thrilled to discover they've won the lottery and go out to celebrate. Returni Leggi tutto
Not a lot of Van Veeteren, Not a curious mystery. What the author does show us an example of "The Peter Principle" in the worst of all places, government employment where there is little accountability to the people.
When I began reading in earnest a couple of years ago I never imagined for one minute that among my favourite books to read would be translations; crime yes, translations no. Books set in foreign countries with foreign laws, foreign foods, foreign customs and foreign sounding names. Have I said fore Leggi tutto
With The Unlucky Lottery, I've now read all of Nesser's books that have been translated into English, and I must say, they are among the finest novels of crime fiction coming out of Scandinavia. Sadly now I have to bide my time until the next one is translated and published. This novel offers its re Leggi tutto
Although one of the books in author Hakan Nesser's Inspector Van Veeteren series, the lead protagonist in this story is Van Veeteren's subordinate, Inspector Munster. Van Veeteren makes a few well-timed cameos but otherwise is left to enjoy his sabbatical. Four older gentlemen find themselves the win Leggi tutto
This is the 6th entry in the Van Veeteren series. I have contended that this series is plot, rather than character-driven, and that is why I enjoy this series. This latest novel, however, has changed my opinion of this series. Van Veeteren really is the heart and soul of this series. How do I know? T Leggi tutto
3.5 stars The first 2 3rds of this was such a chore to get through. Quite slow and rehashing of the same information that became really tedious, had to skim read until it started picking up in the last 3rd. It did pick up well and I'd already guessed the majority of the twists but it was a fun sectio Leggi tutto
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