Mysterium Coniunctionis
Tradotto da: Maria Anna Massimello
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Nell’ampio panorama della produzione junghiana, il Mysterium coniunctionis rappresenta l’opera più importante degli ultimi anni. Oggetto di questi studi che tennero impegnati Jung per oltre trent’anni è la tradizione alchemica. È proprio grazie all’alchimia che riuscì ad agganciare le esperienze e intuizioni acquisite mediante la sua diretta e personale «discesa nell’inconscio» a un materiale parallelo e disponibile obiettivamente. Per Jung l’alchimia non rappresenta soltanto l’antecedente storico della moderna psicologia del profondo, ma soprattutto, con il suo infinito serbatoio di simboli e immagini, costituisce la prima rappresentazione di quegli archetipi sui quali ha innalzato l’edificio della psicologia analitica.
- ISBN: 8833928756
- Casa Editrice: Bollati Boringhieri
- Pagine: 696
- Data di uscita: 20-04-2017
Holy coniunctionis, Batman, this puppy is dense. Give yourself lots of time to chew on every tidbid, to reflect upon the alchemical images. For me, this is the heart of all of Jung's investigations and musings about the psyche. I am constantly referring to this work, and everytime I open it, I find
Need another lifetime to tackle this volume again, read it while I was hitchhiking in Quebec two summers ago. The Coniunctionis refers to the Tao, or the unity of all things, it is at treatsie on practical mysticism, fitted into the language of modern day psychology. The Mysterium Coniunctionis is t Leggi tutto
One of Jung's contributions to studies ancillary to his psychiatric profession has been to the study of the history and symbolism of alchemy. Our textbooks in the public schools either treated alchemy as proto-chemistry or as patent fraud. Jung suggests that at least some alchemists were quite since Leggi tutto
Carl Jung is the greatest genius and champion of the mind in our century. His ability to overview the psyche through the ages and different cultures enabled the 20th century to have a better understand of humanity as whole and our inner disconnectedness as the inevitable truth. From the stand point
Firstly, this is not an easy read for those who never studied Alchemy before and don’t understand of how the stages of the Magnus Opum (the Great Work) relate to the stages of the individuation process. If you have a good general understanding of the main stages and operations of the alchemical proc Leggi tutto
This is not a book. It is a tome. And it is also a slow burn. Almost 600 pages of actual text, the 'point' of this tome (as with most of Jung's writings) only coalesces as you reach the end. But what an interesting end! The body of the work busies itself with numerous alchemical metaphors, all of wh Leggi tutto
A very deep dive into the symbols and writing of alchemists that only delves two-thirds beyond the surface, making connections to the field of psychology and the sense of self implied by Jung’s collective unconscious. At times dizzying, other times overly meticulous (especially on points Jung later Leggi tutto
Anyone who says they've read the whole thing is either a liar...or...a liar. Not my favorite Jung book, but, I admittedly only actually read a little mroe than half....maybe if I'd have gotten through the whole thing, I'd have found it more relevant to...anything - that said, it still has Jung's bea Leggi tutto
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