Psicologia e patologia dei cosiddetti fenomeni occulti
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Gli studi compresi in questo volume appartengono tutti alla giovinezza di Jung. Essi costituiscono notevoli contributi alla vera e propria rivoluzione che si andava compiendo in quegli anni in cui la psichiatria veniva trasformando la conoscenza scientifica di quanto era affidato alle sue cure – la psiche umana, appunto – scoprendone i complessi, le tendenze dissociative e i meccanismi inconsci, così come il linguaggio simbolico e i dinamismi utilizzabili ai fini della terapia.
- ISBN: 8833903184
- Casa Editrice: Bollati Boringhieri
- Pagine: 233
- Data di uscita: 31-10-2003
This book should be required reading for anyone interested in both psychology and paranormal phenomena. An even better title might have been "Psychology and the Supernatural". I say that because the word "occult" is often closely associated with concepts of evil. In this book Jung describes his expe Leggi tutto
Jung's work has hitherto been a mixed bag for me. Since becoming more convinced that naturalism as a paradigm does not sufficiently account for holistic reality, I find myself siding with his enterprise of the unconscious, mythology, and paranormal matters. The first section of the book is Jung's dis Leggi tutto
My boy Hot Carl steps up to the plate in order to bust some ghosts. Unfortunately, he was working with the incredibly limited toolkit they had around the turn of the century, so he took a good, hard, squinty look at this shrieking possession case -- nowadays it would be diagnosed as DID or Histrioni Leggi tutto
"...in this age of materialism - the inevitable consequence of rationalistic enlightenment - there has been a revival of the belief in spirits, but this time on a higher level." "Rationalism and superstition are complementary. It is a psychological rule that the brighter the light, the blacker the sh Leggi tutto
This selection or writings reveals an interesting shift in Jung's thinking on so-called occult phenomena. Moving from an overtly scientific and rational viewpoint to one of attempting to conceptualize the experiences of the unconscious, one can follow (in ways) Jung's transitional transcendence of r Leggi tutto
Se riandiamo con la mente alla storia passata dell’uomo, troviamo, tra molte altre convinzioni religiose, una fede universale nell’esistenza di fantasmi o esseri eterei che sono vicini agli uomini ed esercitano su diredi un’influenza invisibile ma possente. In genere si crede che tali esseri siano Leggi tutto
Grateful for the fact that i came across this book of C. Jung, explaining perfectly, openly about his view as research on spiritualism in psychology and it’s ever questionable topic. It is to remain open and understand the many views through psychological aspects. “The birth of a human being is preg Leggi tutto
Interestingly skeptical given his later writings on the topic. Though he does leave it open ended in the last section, giving some clues to where his thoughts were leading him.
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