Tipi psicologici
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«L’ipotesi che esista una sola psicologia o un solo principio psicologico fondamentale costituisce un’intollerabile tirannia», così Jung a proposito di questa che forse è la sua opera più famosa. Con Tipi psicologici si abbandona la pretesa, ancora radicata in Freud, di concepire la psicologia come scienza esatta, e si riconosce la presenza ineliminabile di un fattore soggettivo. Qui Jung integra la scoperta dell’inconscio con la definizione e la descrizione degli otto tipi psicologici principali. Tipi psicologici è anche un trattato di psicologia, ricco di casi clinici, e una storia del pensiero umano, in cui Jung ricostruisce i conflitti sorti dalla presenza dei due caratteri fondamentali, «apollineo» e «dionisiaco», che hanno dominato lo spirito nella filosofia e nelle arti da Platone a Goethe, da Aristotele a Nietzsche. Qui Jung dispiega tutto il suo fascino di evocatore di miti, personaggi, civiltà scomparse.
- ISBN: 8833922162
- Casa Editrice: Bollati Boringhieri
- Pagine: 624
- Data di uscita: 07-04-2011
Although leaving a rich cultural legacy, C.G. Jung has had very little influence on modern psychology. A modern college textbook will typically confine discussion of him to a paragraph or two, mentioning him in reference to Freud and psychoanalysis, perhaps referring to his word-association work, pe Leggi tutto
My first exposure to Carl Jung occurred about five years ago, when I wanted to learn about the psychology behind the popular Myers-Briggs personality test (my type is INTJ). I learned that the MBTI was based on the psychology of one Carl Jung, who I had never heard of, and thus began a fascinating o Leggi tutto
По въпроса "кои сме ние" и "защо сме такива", както и "как да го променим" разсъждават митологии, религии, науки, а заради тях се водят и войните. Отговорите се множат, но истината си остава все така изплъзваща се на един досег разстояние. Човекът все така е бойно поле на идеи, страсти, нужди и импу Leggi tutto
In the top five of the most important books for any serious student of humanity to read. The erudition of Jung in making his argument is breathtaking, and demanding of multiple reads before the breadth and depth of his argument can be fully appreciated. This book influenced the history of my reading Leggi tutto
Junga raksti būtu obligātā literatūra ikvienam, kuru interesē ieskats mūsdienu Rietumu sabiedrību veidojošo konceptu rašanās procesā, pie reizes izmantojot iespēju izbaudīt smalku humoru un ironiju lieliskā tulkojumā (burvīgs teikums par to, ka psiholoģija "iepriekš akadēmiski iekārtotajās sētpuses Leggi tutto
If the universe was code, Jung wrote Human. This is the densest book I've read till date. And it brings out the genius of the man who was Jung, while it expands your mind...if you're oriented towards really understanding human psyche. I'd been fascinated by Myers Briggs Personality Spectrum, but could Leggi tutto
Algo estranho ocorreu. Minha edição deste livro caiu da prateleira hoje e como esta é razoavelmente pesada e velhinha, acabou-se por partir ao meio. O estranho não foi isso e sim o fato que durante a queda o livro partiu igualmente ao meio o poster de Kill Bill Volume 2 que ficava alí do lado. O que Leggi tutto
Such an important book for me to understand... I hope I understand it after the next couple times I read it through. It showed me why I'm the way I am and why people who I know are as they are - not that I should pidgeonhole people, but it's just that... now I see why some intuitives (like me) have
This book has influenced my life more than any other book besides the scriptures. It is not a book I would read over and over again like I would the scriptures, or the book Approaching Zion by Hugh Nibley, yet, the book has been a vital, seminal work for my own work on temperament types. Jung's Psyc Leggi tutto
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