I fratelli Karamazov
Tradotto da: Maria Rosaria Fasanelli
Tutti i formati dell'opera
Introduzione di Fausto Malcovati
Traduzione di Maria Rosaria Fasanelli
Romanzo sulla fede o sull’ateismo, sulla passione o sull’amore, sulla gioia o sulla sofferenza? Di certo, per struttura e contenuto ideologico, I fratelli Karamazov sono l’opera più rappresentativa di Dostoevskij, sintesi delle sue ricerche e delle sue contraddizioni. Un tema emerge sugli altri: la dialettica tra il bene e il male, lo scontro tra la via della ragione, ribelle e orgogliosa, che proclama la negazione di Dio e della creazione, e la via del cuore e dell’intuizione religiosa. Il soggetto del libro – la storia del violento conflitto tra un padre e i figli che si conclude con un delitto e un errore giudiziario – trae spunto da un fatto reale. Ma nel romanzo il parricidio assurge a simbolo di un male oscuro, che si traduce nella disgregazione della famiglia, nel conflitto generazionale, nel crollo delle vecchie regole della società patriarcale, nel rifiuto della religione dei padri. Come I demoni, anche I fratelli Karamazov sono una feroce requisitoria contro l’uomo che, rinnegato Dio, vaga nello smarrimento e nell’incertezza fino alla definitiva follia.
- ISBN: 8811810620
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 1120
- Data di uscita: 15-01-2015
If you like your books to move in a linear fashion this book is not for you. It hops around and attention must be paid or you will find yourself flipping back a few pages to reestablish the thread of the story. I took this on a plane flight, crazy right? Not exactly the normal "light" reading I
If there was still any doubt, let me confirm that this actually is the greatest book ever written. But be warned that you need to set aside a solid month to get through it. And it's not light reading--this is a dense work of philosophy disguised as a simple murder mystery. But it's well worth the ef Leggi tutto
I'm writing this review as I read. Frankly, I'm astounded by how good this is and how compelling I'm finding it. Astounded? Why should that be? This is a classic, after all. True, but it breaks just about every "rule" of fiction. The plot so far is virtually nonexistent: three brothers get together
The Brothers Karamazov is the greatest novel… The Brothers Karamazov is the greatest grotesque novel. And I’m afraid my interpretations of it will hardly be very popular. What is God? What is man? And what are their relationships? “You see, I close my eyes and think: if everyone has faith, where does Leggi tutto
"Reading Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov is comparable to pushing a beautiful grand piano up a very steep hill." — Kevin Ansbro Why, oh why , in a world filled with endless opportunities to enjoy oneself, did I think it was a good idea to embark on a 19th-century book that's almost the size of an el Leggi tutto
In 1929 Freud wrote that The Brothers Karamazov was “the most magnificent novel ever written”. Well, it’s possible he had not got round to reading Ulysses yet (copies were hard to get until 1934) and of course he never did get the opportunity to read the work of Dan Brown or J K Rowling, but even so Leggi tutto
Contrary to widespread rumor, this is a far from bleak book. While every character has his or her own misery, and it all takes place in a place called something like "cattle-roundup-ville", the moments of religious ecstasy and moral clarity are heartbreaking in their frequency - it's hard not to wis Leggi tutto
It's not hard to understand Nabokov's objections to Dostoevsky. It's his scruffiness as a novelist Nabokov with his literary sartorial elegance would have objected to. For example, his gun-ho attitude towards unnecessary repetition. And also his occasional lapses at organising his material for maxim Leggi tutto
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