L'interprete dei malanni
Tradotto da: Claudia Maria Tarolo
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A Boston, complice un blackout, una giovane coppia indiana in crisi riesce a dirsi cose a lungo taciute. In India, il signor Kapasi, «interprete» alle dipendenze di un medico, accompagna in un giro turistico una famiglia di indiani ormai americanizzati; l’interesse della donna per la strana professione di Kapasi susciterà in lui un sogno romantico che dovrà presto abbandonare. Un bengalese ricorda la giovinezza a Londra e la prima casa a Boston, e insegna al figlio che, se lui è riuscito a sopravvivere in tre continenti, non ci sono ostacoli che non possano essere superati... Attraverso nove storie di vita quotidiana, Jhumpa Lahiri ci consegna un’India variegata, assumendo ora lo sguardo di chi sta ancora affrontando l’urto della diversità, ora quello di chi dall’India, con la sua civiltà millenaria ormai aperta agli echi dell’Occidente, non se n’è mai andato. Introduzione di Domenico Starnone
- ISBN: 8823525454
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 240
- Data di uscita: 27-02-2020
How’s this for blurbs: when the female author published this collection of short stories at age 32 in 1999, she won the Pulitzer Prize, the Pen/Hemingway Award and the New Yorker’s Debut Book of the Year. Like the author’s other collection of shorts that I have reviewed (Unaccustomed Earth, 2008) th Leggi tutto
You know a book's good when someone asks you for a synopsis, or snippet, or impression, and all you can do is smile there, enveloped in some subtle magic that only you know about, & kinda forget what it, the book, was all about altogether. This happened with "Interpreter of Maladies", a perfectly-ti Leggi tutto
Utter Sadness, minus one. A collection of short stories by renowned Jhumpa Lahiri. Eight incredibly sad and nostalgic stories, with morsels of indian american culture. In a certain way this reminded me of Gabriel García Márquez, with that tragic mysticism that he used to imprint every single one o Leggi tutto
I usually don't enjoy short stories that much. Collections of short stories tend to have stories that are really strong mixed together with ones that aren't and this was no exception. I do think the foreward for the kindle edition that I had contributed a lot to my enjoyment of the stories. It reall Leggi tutto
ترجمان الأوجاع..مجموعة قصصية رائعة للكاتبة الأمريكية الهندية الأصل جومبا لاهيري و قد احتلت مكانة متميزة بين الأدباء الأمريكيين بهذه المجموعة التي تعد أول أصدراتها الأدبية... الكتاب عبارة عن ٩ قصص قصيرة بتتكلم فيهم الكاتبة عن تفاصيل حياة الهنود المغتربين في الولايات المتحدة ومحاولتهم للتأقلم كما إنها Leggi tutto
i love an unpopular opinion, but... i have to admit this just is as good as everyone says it is. that's the review. --------------------- tbr review actually reading books i was assigned in school but never picked up in order to achieve genius status
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