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Essere in debito con un pazzo criminale è una di quelle cose che succedono soltanto ad Anita Blake. Ma la cacciatrice di vampiri non può sottrarsi al richiamo del dovere quando Edward ? l'ambiguo sicario con cui lei ha più volte avuto modo di "collaborare" ? chiede il suo aiuto per indagare su un'inquietante serie di omicidi nel New Mexico. Perciò Anita vola ad Albuquerque, dove un sadico assassino ha la singolare abitudine di togliere completamente la pelle alle proprie vittime oppure di tagliarle in piccoli pezzi. Nuova città, nuovi delitti, nuovi vampiri: l'arrivo di una "straniera" non è infatti ben visto da Itzpapalotl, la Master locale, né dai suoi servi umani, che cercano di ostacolare le indagini. Anche perché esiste un legame profondo tra il killer, le vittime e la congrega di vampiri e licantropi di Albuquerque: un legame che, per il momento, si nasconde in una tomba inviolata da secoli, ma che è pronto a risorgere e a scatenare l'inferno.
Laurell K. Hamilton è l'autrice della fortunata serie dedicata alla cacciatrice di vampiri Anita Blake, pubblicati con enorme successo in tutto il mondo. E uguale successo hanno riscosso i romanzi della sua altra serie, incentrata sulle vicende magiche e sensuali di Meredith Gentry, investigatrice del soprannaturale.
- ISBN: 8842915947
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 651
- Data di uscita: 15-01-2009
This was the last Anita Blake novel worth reading, primarily because of Edward. The rest of the series has been garbage (including Edwards' return. Seriously, what was his body count in the Harlequin, one? Maybe?). I don't have a problem with the sex, but Hamilton has sacrificed that literary device Leggi tutto
This book is a vacation from Anita's usual life because she travels to New Mexico to help Edward, the assassin, solve a case. So, no love-triangle b.s., which is nice. When arriving in New Mexico, Anita discovers that Edward is engaged to be married to a very naive widow with two adorable children. E Leggi tutto
This is the book where Laurell K. Hamilton lost me as a reader. I love the early Anita Blake books, because they are police procedurals set in a fantasy world. But somewhere along the way, the menage a trois between the three main characters (a necromancer, a vampire, and a werewolf) overspread the
“She'd been punishing people for the same crimes for five hundred years. It was impressive in a psychotic sort of way... I'd told people that I'd chase them into hell to have my vengeance, but I probably didn't mean it. Itzpapalotl would mean every word.” 4th Listen: Better every time. 3rd Listen: “ Leggi tutto
4 Vampy stars To begin with I have to say that this book is one of my favorites from this series. It is quite true that I have several emotional changes during Anita Blake's books. For several reasons I love and hate this series but the truth is that I have never been bored for a minute while reading Leggi tutto
5 / 5 Not for the faint of heart. My favorite installment of the series, partially because we get a break from relationship drama, but mostly because of the only man in the series I truly love, Edward. What does it say about me, the fact that out of all the men this series has to offer - and there are Leggi tutto
I really wasn’t excited about this book. All I wanted was to skim over the paragraphs so that I could get to the next book of the series, Narcissus in Chains as quickly as possible! And then it hit me … mutilated bodies and Olaf. You need to read this book to understand just how messed up my opinion Leggi tutto
Did you know that once you unfreeze meat, you shouldn't refreeze it? It goes kind of squishy and rotten. People's faces freeze and unfreeze so much in this book, it's insane. Masks, monsters, blah blah blah. Oh, and there's a giant hulking threatening rapist, so that's good. Anita does her usual rout Leggi tutto
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