L'oro dei Lama
Tradotto da: Manuela Frassi
Tutti i formati dell'opera
Un'avventura del capitano Cabrillo
Lhasa, 1959. Durante la fuga del Dalai Lama viene rubata una statua del Buddha dal valore inestimabile, soprattutto per i documenti che cela al proprio interno… Macao, oggi. Nel porto della città cinese arriva un mercantile in disarmo, l'Oregon. Si tratta in realtà di una nave all'avanguardia, il cui equipaggio, agli ordini del capitano Cabrillo, è formato da uomini e donne altamente addestrati, eccezionali quanto la missione che è stata loro affidata: recuperare la statua e riportarla nel suo luogo d'origine, per onorare una vecchia promessa, ma anche perché il suo contenuto segreto ha un ruolo chiave nei molti interessi in gioco sotto il Tetto del mondo.
- ISBN: 8850254997
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 460
- Data di uscita: 29-08-2019
My second last Cussler read! How sad! I'm a Dirk Pitt fan from way, way back. For my money, Clive Cussler is a former heavyweight world champion in the thriller department! But in GOLDEN BUDDHA , he's reduced himself to the status of an overweight, out of shape punch drunk fighter that just doesn't kn Leggi tutto
If you take a look at the cover of this book, Clive Cussler's name is clearly the focus of the page, but the words inside are, for the most part, certainly not his words. I know the recent trend of some authors is to allow their names to be used as a launch pad for young and upcoming writers (a la C Leggi tutto
A group of well financed mercenaries, a boat that looks like a wreck but contains high tech defensive and offensive systems and can travel 70 knots a Golden Buddha that weighs 696 pounds of solid gold, a crooked art dealer, two egotistical billionaires and a standoff between the Russians and the Chi Leggi tutto
Good God this book was awful. A trend that I notice when people review books that they don’t like (and I’m guilty of this as well) is that they’ll state “(Author’s Name) could NOT have possibly written this book!....”. The sentiment being that the reviewer has read previous offerings by the author t Leggi tutto
3 Stars for Golden Buddha: Oregon Files, Book 1 (audiobook) by Clive Cussler and Craig Dirgo read by Rich Orlow. I read Marauder, the fifteenth book in the series recently and liked it. I decided to go back to the beginning and see how these characters got their start. I think I enjoy the Numa and D Leggi tutto
A decent story, but excessive profanity and some crude allusions messed this up for me.
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