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I NUMA Files: le avventure di Kurt Austin e Joe Zavala
1918: la nave da carico Stella di Odessa sfida le acque del mar Nero per portare a Costantinopoli i sopravvissuti della famiglia reale sfuggiti al massacro bolscevico e una parte del favoloso tesoro dei Romanov. Ma, durante il viaggio, la nave è oggetto di un agguato... Quasi un secolo dopo quel mistero ormai sepolto riemerge davanti agli occhi di Kurt Austin e Joe Zavala, i due agenti della NUMA. Mentre Kurt indaga, dall'altra parte del globo un prezioso minisommergibile della NUMA viene sequestrato da misteriosi sabotatori. Kurt, Joe e il loro amici si trovano al centro di un complotto internazionale...
- ISBN: 8850244495
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 464
- Data di uscita: 27-10-2016
3.5 stars I know I read Fire Ice when it first came out, smack dab in the middle of my Cussler obsession, but I’ll be damned if could remember anything about it, other than it being a novel I read during the summer of 2002. So 18 years have passed and I’m back on the Cussler train, both as a nostalgic Leggi tutto
Tam bir Pazar akşamüstü saat 15.00 gibi denk geldiğiniz, bol reklamlı, reklam arasında da çayın altını açtığınız Show TV filmi. O kadar zamandır kitaplığımdaymış ki fiyatı 11.500.000 yazıyor. Rutin kitap okuma mekanım değişince rahat okuyamasam çok da üzülmeyeceğim bir kitap seçtim. Yüzüklerin Efend Leggi tutto
Clive Cussler is indeed the Grand-master of Adventure. His books the literary equivalent of a big Hollywood action blockbuster. Fire Ice follows another heroic adventure of the NUMA team led by Kurt Austin against the mysterious Russian Cossack forces that aim to destroy the United States using a si Leggi tutto
4 sterren voor dit boek. Eindelijk weer eens een Cussler boek dat mij kon bekoren. Het gezin van de laatste tsaar van Rusland wordt op brutale wijze vermoord. Een Russische miljardair is uit op de heerschappij over Rusland en de verzwakking van de Verenigde Staten. De diefstal van een Amerikaans ond Leggi tutto
A pretty fun adventure with the NUMA guys thwarting a Russian megalomaniac set on wiping out a number of American cities. Pretty standard Cussler so you know what you're going to get going in, but it's still a fun ride.
The earlier books are so much better. Still love the series.
This was my first book by Clive Cussler and it won't be my last. I really enjoyed this novel. Adventure, mystery and shootouts! Mr. Cussler throws in some historical facts which I thought made for a great story line. Is it all fact, hell no, but nowhere in the write up did he say it was. Overall, gr Leggi tutto
The brutal Killing of the last Tsar Nicholas and his innocent family of The Russian Empire... The search for the coveted crown of Ivan the terrible... by a self proclaimed heir to the Romanov dynasty... at the collapse of the new Russian government... Quite a thriller...
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