Tradotto da: Sebastiano Pezzani
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Sam e Remi Fargo, cacciatori di tesori del terzo millennio, si trovano al largo della Louisiana, impegnati nell’esplorazione di alcuni villaggi indigeni sommersi. Ma non sono soli: qualcuno li segue e li intralcia, sabotando le loro attrezzature. Prima che possano fare ulteriori scoperte, una telefonata li costringe ad allontanarsi: è il loro amico Albrecht Fischer, professore di archeologia classica, che afferma di avere fatto un importante rinvenimento e di avere bisogno di loro. Fin qui, niente di strano. Stranissimo, invece, quello che i Fargo scoprono quando lo incontrano. Perché c’è di mezzo uno dei più celebri e inestimabili tesori di tutti i tempi: la tomba segreta di Attila. Poco dopo il loro incontro, il professore viene rapito. Chi poteva sapere della sua scoperta? E chi c’è dietro il sequestro?
I Fargo si mettono sulle sue tracce, in un lungo viaggio che li porterà dall’Ungheria all’Italia, passando per la Francia, la Russia e il Kazakistan, e che li costringerà ad affrontare criminali senza scrupoli.
- ISBN: 885025850X
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 352
- Data di uscita: 17-09-2020
I became fascinated by the history of Attila the Hun. Could I be related to him too? :) Gread adventure novel. Picked it up in an airport bookstore as I didn't have anything ready at home to take with me. Good pacing, interesting history. Main characters were ok, but not amazing. About Me Fo
In a word: disappointing. I'm a Cussler fan of 20+ years, but sadly I think it's time for him to retire his fountain pen. More and more "Cussler Books" are "with co-author", and based on quality of writing, story development, and historical research and interesting plot hook (or lack of), it seems th Leggi tutto
An exciting adventure yarn. Better yet, the content was cleaner than in the last entry in this series that I read.
Fourth in the Fargo Adventure suspense series revolving around Sam and Remi Fargo, wealthy treasure hunters with a reputation for success. My Take What a disappointment! I have to wonder if Cussler had anything to do with writing this other than putting his name on the cover. It could be unfair of me Leggi tutto
I gave this 2 stars, only because I have always enjoyed CC's books, but this one was pretty much a disaster. It sped through each little Fargo adventure, but dragged on with facts about Attila the Hun and other useless information. If all chapters read like the last 3 it could have been a decent book Leggi tutto
There are just so many things wrong with The Tombs that it makes me tired just to think about articulating it all, and this book really isn’t worth that much thought. Other reviews have pointed out all the flaws. I say ditto. As action-adventure goes, I could have done better, but this is fine in a Leggi tutto
Clearly Grant Blackwood was doing the heavy lifting with this series because here, in the first novel Blackwood didn't co-author, the "adventure" in this adventure series disappears. In place of adventure, we, the reader, are instead given...I don't know. A story, to be sure. One that had great pote Leggi tutto
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