Se si potesse riassumere la vita di Clive Cussler in un’unica parola, questa sarebbe «avventura». E in questo libro, con Craig Dirgo, racconta una dozzina delle sue entusiasmanti avventure, vissute insieme ai volontari della NUMA (National Underwater and Marine Agency), l’agenzia da lui fondata per soddisfare la propria passione per il recupero dei relitti. Da narratore di classe qual è, Cussler ci fa rivivere ogni particolare di queste vicende al limite dell’incredibile, e soprattutto l’ansia dell’attesa che precede il ritrovamento, le difficoltà tecniche e gli imprevisti sempre in agguato, la gioia per la scoperta e la delusione per l’insuccesso… perché, come afferma, i relitti non si trovano mai dove si crede che siano: essi «sono là fuori e ci chiamano, con un sussurro».
- ISBN: 8850244010
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 430
- Data di uscita: 22-09-2016
Definitely not what I expected from this author. A big disappointment.
I have never read any of Clive Cussler’s books before, but I might start reading them now. I liked the way he gave a short narrative chapter about what life could have been like aboard the ships in the short time before they sank. I also appreciate the fact that he doesn’t loot the ships he finds. A Leggi tutto
"The bottom line is that when the final curtain drops the only things we truly regret are the things we didn't do."
I marked this one as completed, but truthfully, I tired of it. I thoroughly enjoyed the sections describing Cussler's search for these ships, the difficulties that he encountered, and his procedures. However, I was a bit put off by the dramatizations he offered of the actual shipwrecks described. Did Leggi tutto
Two significant things wrong with this book: the made up details of long past events the author has no possibility of knowing and the attitude of the author that borders on arrogance. There is no need to dramatize already dramatic events by adding details the author could not possibly know. Let the
It's a collection of fascinating, very atmospheric stories in which, usually, unexpected shit happens to crews manning various vehicles. There's introductory, background story first, which, in many cases, are as good and dramatic as Titanic, and then sir Clive's attempt at recovering the said vehicl Leggi tutto
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