Il cecchino
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Edna, profonda come l’oceano, o Nellie, che abbaglia come un caleidoscopio? Isaac Bell è concentrato su questa decisione quando la Commissione federale lo incarica di investigare sulla Standard Oil, la compagnia petrolifera fondata da John D. Rockefeller che sta fatturando incassi record, riuscendo a sbaragliare qualsiasi forma di concorrenza grazie a colpi di fortuna molto… sospetti. Il miglior detective dell’agenzia investigativa Van Dorn sa che qualcosa non torna, ma quando inizia a indagare il caso assume subito una svolta mortale. Qualcuno sta eliminando come mosche tutti gli avversari della Standard Oil, riuscendo a colpire anche il più prezioso dei testimoni di Bell, ucciso da un proiettile sparato con straordinaria precisione da una distanza impossibile. Il cecchino misterioso lascia una scia di morte ovunque passi – omicidi, sparatorie, avvelenamenti, curiosi incidenti e grandi esplosioni che coinvolgono le raffinerie indipendenti nelle regioni della «febbre del petrolio» –, una scia che attira Isaac Bell e la sua voglia di assicurarlo alla legge. In un inseguimento serratissimo tra Kansas e Texas, dall’enclave dei magnati di New York alla Russia dei giacimenti petroliferi di Baku, devastati dalla guerra nel Mar Caspio, Isaac Bell non molla il suo obiettivo. E, tornato in America, si prepara per lo scontro finale. Il più esplosivo di tutti.
- ISBN: 8830456829
- Casa Editrice: Longanesi
- Pagine: 384
- Data di uscita: 10-06-2021
The most engaging mystery I've read in a while. With plenty of twists and turns, a charming historical setting, and wonderfully crisp writing, it's easy to see why Clive Cussler's books continue to sell like hotcakes.
4.5 Stars for The Assassin: Isaac Bell Series, Book 8 (audiobook) by Clive Cussler and Justin Scott read by Scott Brick. I’m really enjoying this series. I love the time period it’s set in. It’s fun to see how all of the new technology of the day is being integrated into the story.
As I've mentioned before, I'm not a fan of history - as in the classroom learning of it. I do, however, enjoy learning how things that happened in the past impact the way we all live and work today as well as details that likely won't be included in any history textbook. My first and only experience Leggi tutto
One of the better books in the Isaac Bell series(#8) this time Isaac is hired by Standard Oil to protect John D. Rockefeller himself from a lethal assassin. This one has a twist you won't see coming! My only complaint is that it's another prequel, but I guess I'm in the minority because the next one Leggi tutto
Another very enjoyable book in the Issac Bell series! Interesting since I lived near the JD Rockefeller estate on NY and now live in Erie,PA near Oil City. As with all Cussler books, non-stop action from start to the end!
I enjoyed this book, having worked in the Oilfields (modern day of course) I understood a lot of what was happening. I still love the history of these books. Thought parts of the story were a little forced, but still enjoyable, can barely wait to read the next one.
The Assassin is book eight in the Isaac Bell series by Clive Cussler. When Spike Hopewell the prime witness in Private Detective Isaac Bell investigating into the monopoly of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Corporation died in front of him it started Isaac on a race to find the assassin before ot Leggi tutto
I am such a sucker for an Isaac Bell adventure. Another great roller coaster ride all over the freaking globe. I actually listened to this on a 600 mile road trip to Maine and back. There is nothing better than listening to Scott Brick read a Clive Cussler novel. What a cool way to start and end a v Leggi tutto
The Assassin by Clive Cussler is a first reads win a.d I'm giving g my honest opinion. Starts out with wildcat oilmen trying to lay pipeline to get their oil from the refinery to the Atlantic coast in New York. JDR (John.D. Rockefeller) comes with his breakers a.d railroad cops and busts up the pipe Leggi tutto
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