I predatori
Tradotto da: Annamaria Raffo
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Una strana ondata di pirateria sta dilagando nel mare del Giappone: a essere presi di mira non sono piccole navi e yacht turistici, ma enormi mercantili, che «spariscono» letteralmente insieme al carico e all'equipaggio. Pirati che hanno unito le forze? O una nuova centrale di terrorismo internazionale che ha trovato un modo di finanziarsi? Juan Cabrillo, capitano della Oregon, viene chiamato in azione. Ma quando, insieme al suo equipaggio di uomini e donne superaddestrati e pronti a tutto, si confronta direttamente con il nemico, scopre che la posta in gioco è molto più alta e che a muovere le fila di tutto sono figure davvero insospettabili.
- ISBN: 8850253435
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 420
- Data di uscita: 18-04-2019
I started reading this book and the first couple chapters my eyes glazed over and my mind numbed and I am thinking I can NOT read this book. Well I kept plugging along and it twas a good thing :) The story really developed into something strong. Great ending :)
Dark Watch , one of the Oregon Files novels, is pretty much what you expect from the cover. Clive Cussler's books are a general type - adventure happens, horrible bad guys do horrible things, upstanding good guys (usually Juan Cabrillo and his crew) do good and risky things to stop them, a few capers Leggi tutto
Good stuff, very short.
4.5 stars, after the second book is questioning whether or not to continue the series, but so glad I did. Such a great story!
I think I am starting to like the Oregon books better than the original Pitt ones. I could totally see their adventures becoming a tv series. It contains a very good cast of characters and real life stories that people could connect to.
4.5 stars The start was fairly disjointed despite the multiple story threads but it ended up coming together very nicely in the end
This is the 3rd book of the Oregon Files series by Clive Cussler. With this book, he has changed his co-author from Craig Dirgo to Jack duBrul. While the first two books were good, this one was so much better. The writing style was stronger, the plot had more tension and there was significantly more Leggi tutto
Borrowed from my dad. So not my thing. Made it through to the end, but didn't enjoy it at all. The biggest thing that bothered me is that the women were just window dressing or plot devices, and there were a few really terrible lines thrown in for good measure. One line about how in his younger CIA d Leggi tutto
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