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Tradotto da: Paola Mirizzi Zoppi
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Dirk Pitt ha deciso di accettare la dirigenza della NUMA, ma, da vecchio lupo di mare, non si rassegna certo a stare dietro uno scrivania, e il suo vecchio compagno di avventure Al Giordino non è da meno. Si trovano infatti nelle Filippine per controllare strani fenomeni sottomarini quando cominciano ad accadere avvenimenti preoccupanti: una strana moria di uomini e animali nelle isole Aleutine, la diffusione di un virus che colpisce alcuni scienziati... Nella zona si trova Dirk Jr, figlio di Pitt e nuova punta di diamante della NUMA, assieme alla sorella gemella Summer, e saranno proprio loro a rintracciare l'origine del complotto sul fondo del mare, dove ai tempi della seconda guerra mondiale è rimasta celata un'arma micidiale.
- ISBN: 8850249829
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 544
- Data di uscita: 30-08-2018
Time for another Clive Cussler Wednesday! During World War 2, a Japanese submarine off the west coast of the US is sunk. It contains some kind of germ warfare. Now years later, some group wants to use it for their own ends. The Dirks Pitt and company have to save us all again! Pretty exciting. Most of Leggi tutto
You know what you're getting with a Clive Cussler novel. The format's all a bit 'cut and paste' - whoever is introduced in the first section will die and leave behind some dastardly way of destroying the world, then NUMA will stumble across it and almost avert disaster but the baddies will win round Leggi tutto
Cheesy beyond all reasoning. If you like seeing super-classic evil dudes with nefarious plots waging war against chivalrous, daring, uber-lucky, hyper-intelligent (when they aren't putting themselves in danger for absolutely no reason), lady-killer heroes who can do everything James Bond can without Leggi tutto
It's been so long since I've read a Clive Cussler/Dirk Pitt adventure, and I've read many mixed reviews on the ones Cussler has written with his son Dirk Cussler, so I was a little hesitant reading Black Wind, but I didn't come back disappointed, so I'm happy to say You've still got it Clive!! In the Leggi tutto
More entertaining the second time around I enjoyed "Black Wind" more on this go-around than I did the first time I read it (circa 2005), partially because the plot line seems more timely than ever now with North Korea being such a major news item, but there are still some technical gaffes (explained Leggi tutto
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