Oceani in fiamme
Tradotto da: Sebastiano Pezzani
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Doveva essere un semplice lancio di un satellite NASA su un’orbita polare, ma qualcosa è andato storto e il satellite si è schiantato in una zona forestale nel cuore dell’Argentina. Ad aggravare l’incidente c’è il fatto che il razzo fosse alimentato da un piccolo quantitativo di plutonio, racchiuso in un contenitore indistruttibile, che va assolutamente recuperato prima che la dittatura militare argentina vi metta le mani. C’è un solo uomo che può incaricarsi di questa pericolosa missione segreta: Juan Cabrillo, comandante della Oregon, con la sua squadra di uomini iperaddestarti e pronti a tutto. Mentre perlustrano l’area, Cabrillo e i suoi si imbattono nei resti di un dirigibile risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale. All’interno, un corpo ormai mummificato e dei fogli, forse una mappa. È l’inizio di una mirabolante avventura sulle tracce di un antico tesoro e di un segreto che non deve venire alla luce, perché potrebbe cambiare drammaticamente l’assetto del mondo.
- ISBN: 8850247087
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 362
- Data di uscita: 03-05-2018
When I picked up this novel, I failed to pick up on the fact it was an author-branded work. I had heard of Clive Cussler. His background and involvement with sunken ships and general marine archaeology is intriguing. That, and being a successful author were enough to lure me in--I'd hoped to learn s Leggi tutto
This is one of my faves of the series so far :) This one was more story than characters but that is okay. Neat ending!
3.5 stars. Fun Oregon Files adventure set mainly in South America and the Antarctic. As always lots of action.
I'm not a huge fan of Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt novels. They're fine, but I just never connected. However, I have enjoyed both of his Spy series novels. The Silent Sea is the first I've read from the Oregon Files, and I really enjoyed it. The Oregon is a super-high tech ship disguised as a decrepit ju Leggi tutto
The Silent Sea is the 7th book in The Oregon Files series by Clive Cussler . This is the 5th book in which the co-author is Jack Du Brul . Juan Cabrillo and his crew are asked by the CIA to retrieve a piece of NASA technology that has been lost over Argentina. While searching for the crashed satellite, Leggi tutto
The story seemed a little too fantastic and unreal, but exciting.
So, I decided to take a break from vampires and werewolves and all things paranormal. I picked up The Silent Sea because I have enjoyed all of Clive Cussler's books. I was not disappointed. Clive Cussler has a way of creating great action stories, full of suspense and lots of firepower and explosion Leggi tutto
What spoilt this book for me was the sloppy editing. If you’re buying a self-published book for 99p off Kindle you might expect a few typos – but if you’re paying rrp £18.99 for a first edition hardback, you expect quality and professionalism. You can barely go 8 pages without a typo – some of them Leggi tutto
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