Agatha Raisin. La giardiniera invasata
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Al ritorno dalle vacanze, Agatha non può che rimanere sconvolta nello scoprire che una nuova donna si è intrufolata nelle simpatie del suo attraente vicino James Lacey. La bellissima Mary Fortune le è superiore in ogni cosa, specialmente nel giardinaggio e, con l'imminente apertura della Mostra dei Giardini di Carsely, Agatha si sente profondamente inadeguata. Nel frattempo succedono cose strane: alcuni giardini vengono devastati, una mano misteriosa uccide i pesciolini rossi del vecchio Bernard Spott, e la nuova vicina si comporta in modo davvero bizzarro, quasi crudele. Solo Agatha sembra la persona adatta a scoprire cosa c'è sotto...
La giardiniera invasata è la 3a storia di Agatha Raisin, ma può essere letta e apprezzata indipendentemente dall'ordine della serie.
- ISBN: 8850256124
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 192
- Data di uscita: 14-11-2019
Agatha cheats again. You'd think after the quiche debacle she'd have learned her lesson. But no. This time, she's determined to win the Horticultural Society's best garden contest in Carsely. And if you think she's going to do it with hard work and honesty, you're fooling yourself. In an embarrassing tu Leggi tutto
It's always comforting to see Agatha again and the village of Carsley, almost like coming home. This time Agatha is searching for the murder of a beautiful yet surprisingly unpopular newcomer to the village who has been found quite literally 'planted' to death. I love all the characters, and even th Leggi tutto
Well the victim incited her own murder but she wasn't nearly as nasty as the victim in THE VISCOUS VET, the preceding Agatha Raisin volume. In this volume Agatha is jealous of a new comer to the village but discovers a darkness beneath the surface. Agatha also discovers, to her surprise and pleasure, Leggi tutto
Me encanta esta saga, siempre me río. Me declaro fan de Raisin.
I really enjoyed reading this book and want to give a high rating and an excellent review, but I cannot. This is the third book in the series and the first I have read. A new woman comes to Agatha's village and gets murdered. As Agatha peels off the layers of truth, she discovers that the murdered w Leggi tutto
The world is full of bitches… Never knew a death scene could be so inventive. This is a return to the charm and humor of the first book (and a return of the original and preferable audio narrator). But it does play off of events in book 2, which I found a little lacking, but which I now appreciate mo Leggi tutto
I continue to be surprised with Agatha Raisin! The books give you such a different feeling then the TV show. Loved this book and new character Mary Fortune who ends up not being so "fortunate" Perfect foil for Agatha and all of Carsley. So much background in this book, and we find out that Agatha se Leggi tutto
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