Morte di un macho
Tradotto da: Chiara Libero
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L’americano Randy Duggan è arrivato a Lochdubh ed è impossibile non essersene accorti: quell’uomo massiccio e pieno di tatuaggi, infatti, sostiene di essere un wrestler e un esploratore e, al pub, intrattiene il paese intero con le sue avventure, offrendo spesso da bere. Tuttavia, quando è ubriaco, Randy ostenta un accento più scozzese che yankee e rivela un carattere piuttosto litigioso. Così, dopo vari alterchi violenti, arriva Hamish per calmarlo e, per tutta risposta, si ritrova sfidato da Randy a duello… a cazzotti. Tuttavia nel giorno convenuto – con tutto il paese pronto ad assistere all’evento – Randy non si presenta e, poco dopo, viene rinvenuto cadavere in casa sua…
- ISBN: 883321091X
- Casa Editrice: astoria
- Pagine: 240
- Data di uscita: 24-06-2021
Dear Priscilla, If you are not dating Hamish, and he has dinner with another woman, he is not cheating on you, and you cannot call him a philanderer. Untwist your knickers. That said, this was quite the mystery, with half the village (including Hamish) under suspicion, multiple murders, stolen identit Leggi tutto
M.C. Beaton 's 12th installment in her uneven Hamish Macbeth series finds the lanky, lazy Highlands constable dealing with Randy Duggan, a boastful incomer from Glasgow who begins bullying those who’ve grown tired of his narcissistic and farfetched monologues. Eventually, Duggan challenges Hamish to Leggi tutto
I mostly enjoy the Hamish Macbeth series, but this one seemed to drag. I even felt tired of Hamish and his indecisive life. I listened to this audiobook to the end, but when I was finished, I wondered why I had persevered.
Another great Hamish instalment. Read in audiobook kept me amused on journey home from work.
This was a very good one and would make a great movie with a lot of action! It was quite the thriller and Macbeth did an amazing job of police work and getting lots of help that he needed like a flight into the wild area around Lochduh. I also loved the parade near the end to save him from getting f Leggi tutto
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