Agatha Raisin - Il caso del curioso curato
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Dopo l’abbandono del marito James – che l’ha lasciata per entrare in monastero – Agatha Raisin ha toccato il fondo della tristezza e non si preoccupa neppure di quello che gli altri pensano di lei, quando la vedono senza trucco, infagottata in informi camicioni e con indosso le – prima aborrite – scarpe ortopediche. Ma c’è una luce in fondo al tunnel e ha pure un nome: Tristan Delon. È il nuovo curato di Carseley ed è a dir poco affascinante: capelli biondi, grandi occhi azzurri, bocca perfetta, fisico atletico… In più, dimostra un sincero interesse proprio per Agatha. Che però si ritrova non tra le sue braccia, ma a indagare sulla sua morte: qualcuno lo ha infatti selvaggiamente pugnalato nello studio del vicario…
- ISBN: 8833210588
- Casa Editrice: astoria
- Pagine: 272
- Data di uscita: 09-01-2020
When the hot new curate is found dead, Mrs. Bloxby's husband is the #1 suspect. Ever the good friend, Agatha decides to clear the vicar's name. <--even though he pretty much can't stand her Still. This is for her bestie, Bloxby. Unfortunately, Agatha is still missing James. And Charles. Hell, she misse Leggi tutto
For me, the actual murder in the Agatha Raisin books is secondary to the ongoing of the characters involved. With each book you pick up, Agatha finds herself embroiled in another domestic situation, with it being either her missing almost ex-husband James, the new neighbor – which is always an attra Leggi tutto
Agatha Raisin and the Case of the Curious Curate by M.C.Beaton is the 13th book in the Agatha Raisin Mystery series. After Agatha Raisin has dinner with the new curate, he is found stabbed to death at the vicarage with the vicars dagger letter opener. An entertaining and fun quick book. Although Aga Leggi tutto
Even though this book is well into the series, it's the first one that I have actually read with my eyes. All the others I have listened to the audio narration by the great Penelope Keith. The funny things is that while reading this I often found myself hearing Penelope's voice in my head. Another fu Leggi tutto
Book number thirteen in the series. This story did have a few twists in the murder plot which I liked. I’m not sure what the plan is around Agatha’s new neighbour, John Armitage though, as he just seems a less likeable version of James Lacey (and I’m not crazy about James Lacey). I’m really hoping t Leggi tutto
Encore une réussite (as usual), j’étais tellement contente de voir que Mrs Bloxby qui d’habitude apparaît seulement de façon occasionnelle était enfin relayée au premier plan ! Le duo John-Agatha m’a beaucoup plu, ça changeait des enquêtes avec Charles (mais je crois que John ne reviendra plus, snif Leggi tutto
This one had a good mystery and a good continuation of the base story and it’s characters. The ending though, was way too like several others in the series, obvious and a bit contrived. I think I’d have rated this higher, should it have been a stand alone, rather than #13.
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