Antonio e Cleopatra
Tradotto da: Sergio Perosa
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Introduzione di Nemi D’Agostino
Prefazione, traduzione e note di Sergio Perosa
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Nell’Antonio e Cleopatra (1606-07) Shakespeare insegue un difficile equilibrio tra dramma storico e tragedia individuale. Schiavo della sensualità e del fascino maturo di Cleopatra, Antonio abbandona la sposa Ottavia e abdica al ruolo di triumviro. Battuto da Ottaviano prima ad Azio, poi ad Alessandria, alla falsa notizia della morte della regina d’Egitto si lascia cadere sulla spada spirando infine tra le braccia dell’amata che a sua volta riconosce nel suicidio l’unica decisione onorevole. Se l’integerrimo Ottaviano incarna la Realpolitik imperiale, il mondo dell’ordine e dell’efficienza romana, il corrotto Antonio esprime la tragedia dell’uomo d’azione che soccombe a una lussuria tanto indegna quanto irresistibile, ma anche la grandezza d’animo di chi rinuncia al freddo tornaconto politico in nome della spontaneità e della pienezza di vita. Sui due protagonisti maschili campeggia Cleopatra, cortigiana d’Oriente, principessa ammaliatrice, ma soprattutto eroina di una storia d’amore che attraverso la poesia di Shakespeare sfida la morte e il tempo.
- ISBN: 8811363241
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 320
- Data di uscita: 18-10-2002
This play is so good, it is not merely a masterpiece: it is a mystery. The two protagonists are alternately noble and petty, wise and foolish, and yet they never seem inconsistent or self-contradictory because Shakespeare--here is the mystery--consistently maintains a tone that is paradoxically both Leggi tutto
ا"لقد خدعتني هذه المصرية الحمقاء"ا هكذا هتف انطونيو بعد ان باعته كيلوبترا في عز المعركة سبع ملكات حملن اسم كيلوبترا في مصر و لكن تظل اخرهن اشهرهن. .بفضل شكسبيرفقد منحها طابع عملي عنيف..تحمل الكثير من قوة الشخصية الذكورية و ايجابيتها بينما منح انطونيو المسكين. .دور العاشق الرومانسيا"امنحيني قبلة..و Leggi tutto
Mark Antony the Roman general , right- hand man of the great Caesar, a shadow to be sure of the most famous ruler of Rome and his unsurpassed conquests in the history of the Empire , yet he Antony , had ability just not enough to overcome his weaknesses. Excessive drinking and chasing beautiful wome Leggi tutto
someone explain to Antony that he can't just blame women every time something goes wrong in his life 🙄
Mark Antony is a real pain in the asp.
Book Review 4 out of 5 stars to Antony and Cleopatra , a play published in 1606 by William Shakespeare .This is one of my favorite Shakespearean plays, partially for some of the reality on which it is based. Some know the full story, others know bits and pieces. Cleopatra, famous in her own
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