Morte di una moglie perfetta
Tradotto da: Chiara Libero
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Alto, magro, capelli rossi, occhi nocciola e ciglia lunghe, Hamish Macbeth sembra (e forse è) pigro, sembra (ma forse non è) confuso, sembra (e forse è) poco ambizioso, più interessato a restare nel suo villaggio con cani, pecore e galline che a fare carriera nella polizia. E infatti Hamish sta già pregustando le delizie dell’estate nelle Highlands, quando l’amata Priscilla ritorna a Lochdubh con un nuovo fidanzato e allora iniziano i guai, che si intensificano allorché nubi di moscerini invadono il paese. È allora che arriva Trixie Thomas, modello di domestica perfezione, che convince le altre donne a schierarsi contro il consumo di alcol e tabacco e a pulire le case in modo maniacale. Ben presto gli uomini del villaggio insorgono e Macbeth deve risolvere un nuovo crimine: il misterioso avvelenamento della moglie perfetta.
- ISBN: 8898713657
- Casa Editrice: astoria
- Pagine: 192
- Data di uscita: 23-03-2017
Another wonderfully cosy Hamish Macbeth mystery, this series is getting better with each book! Newcomer Trixie Thomas arrives into Lochdubh with her forcible ideas of low-cholesterol meals and banning alcohol, she clearly ruffled the locals up the wrong was as it isn’t too long until she is found dea Leggi tutto
Ahh, the perfect wife. She vacuums while wearing pearls, she has a devoted husband, she is involved in her community and tries to make it a better place. People adore her, even when she bans all the things that make them happy. Like fried foods and smoking. She leads her cult of wives to follow her
Neuropsychologists tell us that humans reach their mental peak around age 27. Perhaps that explains my delight in the books of MC Beaton, since clearly I passed that milestone many moons ago. They certainly make no intellectual demands, nor are they filled with clever literary repartee, nor are they Leggi tutto
Having seen the title of the book of today, it came to me that for once we'll be having a truly nice person as the deceased. I anticipated, and I sat back, began to read, and wondered how this change would be handled. But, maybe the author just wants to people her books with victims that are only g
This was my first MC Beaton novel. A few friends have been telling me to read these for years. Others have said there's nothing to these books--they're fluff. In fact, a lot of reviews said the same. So I expected something like a cozy mystery filled with cats or cooking or whatever, with not much o Leggi tutto
I have been enjoying this series. This one did a nice job of really clearly showing how Hamish feels about his desire to stay where he is and not be pushed into an upward mobility he does not want. Interesting characters and a nice mystery. Lots of involvement with the village, good spurts of humor
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