Nubi disposte ad anello intorno alla Luna; il Sole che splende feroce o benevolo; le fulgide Stelle, figlie e compagne; il mondo triste senza la luce degli Astri. Le preghiere, i raccolti, il riflesso del cielo sull’acqua scura: il Giorno e la Notte, due metà di un intero.
Il Sole e la Luna sono, a seconda delle credenze indiane, marito e moglie, fratello e sorella, sempre concepiti in relazione reciproca. Ricche di significato simbolico, le loro rappresentazioni sono presenti in tutte le tradizioni artistiche, tribali e popolari dell’India. Se La vita notturna degli alberi, Vite d’Acqua e Creazione – tutti pubblicati da Salani e con le stesse caratteristiche di libro d’arte stampato su carta seta prodotta a mano – rappresentavano rispettivamente lo straordinario mondo della flora, della fauna e della materia, in questo libro, per la prima volta, viene presentata una raccolta di storie inconsuete e raffinate di alcuni dei migliori artisti viventi, su quello che è il più universale dei temi: il ciclo del tempo, scandito e assimilato da miti e leggende millenarie.
- ISBN: 886918921X
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 32
- Data di uscita: 27-10-2016
This is book number six that I have read based on Maria Popova’s Brainpickings article on “The Seventh Loveliest Children’s Books of 2017,” and yep, I agree with her, it’s lovely! Sun and Moon is a picture book for kids filled with folk tales by/of different artists from various areas of India, most Leggi tutto
It's quite a privilege to be the first to review a book that is so beautiful that I'm not sure how to describe the feelings it evokes without being able to show the inside to you. It's the art within that truly makes me adore this book, after all. If you encounter the opportunity to read this book,
Absolutely stunning illustrations but the subtitle confused me. The book isn't really a collection of folktales although there are two at the end of the book. It is more a collection of folk statements illustrated by various artists. The illustrations are spectacular and demand careful attention. Bac Leggi tutto
Really interesting - maybe more so for adults than for kids, but the text is definitely simple enough for a child to follow. The art is stunning, and there are notes in the back that give the artists' names (though the descriptions are copy/pasted for many of them).
Each page is decked with magnificent details, with each one telling a story of its own. I definitely took a long time with this one, not because of the length, but because turning the page was difficult, for I didn't want to stop looking at the beautiful art.
We did not finish this, because it started talking about religious beliefs that our family does not agree with. Should have figured… oh well. I’ll know better next time.
Beautiful illustrations, but misleading title. There is really only one folktale - of the Sun and Moon - though the art is done by a multitude of artists. Could have more content.
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