Zelda era una giraffa alta, con il collo lungo e affusolato. Ma aveva le ginocchia un po' storte e la gambe magre. Voleva unirsi agli altri animali e ballare, ma tutti sanno che le giraffe non sanno ballare.
- ISBN: 886526859X
- Casa Editrice: NORD-SUD
- Pagine: 32
- Data di uscita: 18-01-2018
" We all can dance when we find music that we love." This is practically a life motto of mine. I feel dancing can fix the world. We should force our government to dance all the time and they would be better policy makers. Anyway. I love Giraffes and I love dancing. So this was a match made in heaven. Leggi tutto
One of the better touch and feel books aimed at young children; I liked the fact this book was big enough for my son to hold comfortably - and of course the textured areas on the pages meant there was greater space to feel! My son particularly enjoyed the furry lion and the soft paws!
Read this back in college and remember that my students loved it.
We all can dance, when we find music that we love
I love the cover. It’s so colorful and charming. The story inside? Well, maybe I needed to bring my much younger self to the forefront. I like the message re dancing to one’s own drummer, being different being more than just okay but something to celebrate, to aim to do something that doesn’t seem t Leggi tutto
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