Una bugia quasi perfetta
Tradotto da: Federica Garlaschelli
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Avvocato di successo e madre amorevole, Nina Bloom farebbe qualsiasi cosa pur di proteggere la nuova vita che si è costruita a New York, anche a costo di mentire a tutti sul suo passato, persino a sua figlia Emma. Ma quando un uomo innocente viene accusato di omicidio, Nina sa che non può lasciarlo pagare per un crimine che non ha commesso. Peccato, però, che le indagini la portino nel luogo dove lei non sarebbe mai più voluta tornare: Key West, in Florida. Là vive, infatti, il suo ex marito, un poliziotto corrotto e violento, da cui diciassette anni prima era fuggita. Peter era convinto che sua moglie fosse morta e invece… Ora Nina non potrà più sfuggirgli: con lui ha un conto in sospeso da pagare, che potrebbe costarle la vita stessa…
- ISBN: 8850264623
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 344
- Data di uscita: 14-10-2022
This is a fast-paced thriller with the recurring elements that characterize James Patterson's books: plot driven, poor characterization, ghostwritten, and predictable. I expected to dislike it but it found it entertaining. Most likely because a large portion of the story takes place in Key West and t Leggi tutto
Sure it’s thrilling and a page turner but I like my stories to be believable. Below are some challenges I faced when reading this book. What I can almost believe: - After seemingly avoiding men for 17 years, stunningly beautiful Jeanine/Nina quickly falls in love with a slovenly drunkard who when he Leggi tutto
I had never read anything by James Patterson before, but it didn't take long before I understood why he's so wildly popular. The action in "Now You See Her" is jet-propelled, right from the get-go. The story has more than a corkscrew, and I never anticipated any of them. Sure, I was thinking ahead,
Now You See Her By James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge Attention all beach-minded readers---this is the one! Well, actually, you’ll not even know where you are once you dive into this baby, and maybe, in all honesty and considering the dangers of too much sun, skip the beach altogether because once you Leggi tutto
Somewhere between 2 - 2.5 stars I really, REALLY wanted to like this book. I tried. I even read it till its very last page with very little skimming. But the thing is, I couldn't like it. It is fast paced, alright. (It even felt a little jumpy and a tad choppy at the beginning due to the shortness of i Leggi tutto
Nina Bloom is a successful attorney in New York City. She has a beautiful daughter who has just turned 17 and is the most important thing in her life. But Nina has a past that no one knows about. Both of her parents are dead and she was an only child. During her senior year in college, she took a tr Leggi tutto
A bad bad book ! Weak Plot, Poorly written and just plain bad. This makes Patterson's Alex Cross Series look Almost Shakespearean in comparison. Spoilers ! The entire story was unrealistic. It could have been a mini series on Lifetime or Oxygen ! Let me save you the pain and give you the entire book in Leggi tutto
I felt like I was reading a book from a class critique instead of a published book. There were errors and the plot was TOTALLY unbelievable! He should consider getting a new editor. First of all, when a book is written in past tense, isn't it incorrect to say something along the lines of "my boss ga Leggi tutto
In “Now you see her,” James Patterson tells the story of a mysterious woman named Nina, who’s running away from her old life and secrets which can ruin her life in the present. The story starts off when Nina, a single mom, shows a video recording to her sixteen-year-old daughter of her father wishin Leggi tutto
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