Cacciatori di tesori - La città proibita
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Dopo la scomparsa del padre e il rapimento della madre, Bick, Beck, Storm e Tommy devono disperatamente riconquistare un antico vaso cinese per pagare il riscatto ai pirati che tengono mamma Kidd prigioniera. Ma quando i rapitori alzeranno la posta, costringendoli a inseguire i preziosi dipinti del tesoro nazista, i fratelli Kidd dovranno usare tutte le loro astuzie e sotterfugi per sconfiggere i criminali: è in gioco la vita della loro mamma!
- ISBN: 8893811251
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 448
- Data di uscita: 25-05-2017
4,25 sterren - Nederlandse hardcover 🦋🦋🦋 Quote uit het boek : Storm haalde haar schouders op. “ Het is het proberen waard.” Ze morrelde aan haar iPad. “ wat ben je aan het doen?” Zei Petra. “ ik ben de gps functie aan het uitschakelen Dan kunnen we Skypen met oom T. zonder dat hij kan nagaan waar we Leggi tutto
Recenzia completă: Cărţile pentru copii sunt leacul ideal împotriva realităţii. În urmă cu câţiva ani, aveam obiceiul să le ascund prin bibliotecă atunci când aveam oaspeţi, pentru că nu voiam să las o impresie greşită. Societatea are un har malefic de a stabil Leggi tutto
4 stars. Again, another entertaining and fun read. Plus a few giggles here and there. All the characters bring something to these stories. The brains. The goofy. The twins tantrums. It's a great mix. There was one illustration in this book (page: 305) that was surprisingly deep. It was of the kids sta Leggi tutto
This middle grade series was chock full of interesting historical tid bits. Kids get a little history lesson while reading about treasure hunting kids trying to find their parents. It's very action packed and quite funny at times. The illustrations are hilarious as well.
It was AMAZING, I also think this is the last book in the series, but I would totally read another one. I don't want to spoil it but there is a really awesome part at the end that all the books have been leading up to.
So. much. regret. I'll let you in on a little secret. I've never cared much for James Patterson. Nothing personal, JP, but I've just never liked your writing. So what am I doing reading a middle grade James Patterson novel? The cover and premise drew me in folks and I thought maybe, just maybe, it wo Leggi tutto
Review for „Treasure Hunters: Secret of the Forbidden City” by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein: It’s the third book of the Treasure Hunters series through which the two American bestseller authors, James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein are introducing us into the adventurous world of the Kidds. Leggi tutto
I was waiting for this 10/10 10/10 It's a great book if you or your kid are adventurous
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