La cerimonia
Tradotto da: Valentina Guani, Anna Maria Biavasco
Tutti i formati dell'opera
La detective Lindsay Boxer ha coronato il suo sogno d'amore, sposando l'agente dell'FBI Joe Molinari. L'eco della marcia nuziale si è appena spenta che già Lindsay deve tornare al suo difficile lavoro: è stata ritrovata un'adolescente in fin di vita... Anche il procuratore Yuki Castellano è alle prese con un caso difficile: rappresenta la pubblica accusa nel processo contro la dottoressa Candace Martin, imputata per l'omicidio del marito. Yuki è certa della sua colpevolezza, ma il processo riserverà più di un colpo di scena. Per fortuna c'è sempre il momento in cui le quattro amiche possono ritrovarsi da Susie's per un margarita, per parlare di lavoro e di uomini, di problemi e di sogni e trovare insieme una soluzione ai difficili casi che le impegnano.
- ISBN: 8850254547
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 316
- Data di uscita: 11-07-2019
10th Anniversary in the tenth book in the Women's Murder Club series by James Patterson. It was my first Patterson novel and I really enjoyed it! The Women's Murder Club consists of Detective Lindsay Boxer, reporter Cindy Thomas, Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano and ME Claire Washburn. 10t Leggi tutto
Ten years later, the tenth in the series, 10TH ANNIVERSARY! Unlike other suspense thrillers, apparently unrelated story lines remain unrelated. They happen in the same universe to be sure, the dramatis personae in each story is the same with the lead roles and supporting roles swapping their places
This was one fast paced book. I read it in one sitting because I just get so engrossed in these books. There was a multiple crime plots that the reader gets so invested in! I thoroughly enjoyed following the Avis plot line best though. I was hooked even though it was a bit predictable. the audacity
Women's Murder Club #10 In this book Lindsey Boxer has just got married and she has been called in to investigate a teenage girl who was left for dead, her newborn baby was nowhere to be seen. Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano is prosecuting the biggest case of her career so far. A women ha Leggi tutto
Perhaps one of the worst books ever. This was the only Patterson-related series I still read and I'm thinking this is the last JP novel I will ever read. Usually there's some overarching crime that keeps you intrigued, but the first "mystery" was resolved halfway through the book and the other one o Leggi tutto
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