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Una serie innovativa di romanzi originali
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Confinata nel suo appartamento, poiché affetta da una rara allergia alla luce solare, Tricia Celano osserva il mondo attraverso il suo drone personale, che ha battezzato Amelia. Ma un giorno Amelia le mostra qualcosa che non doveva vedere... Un delitto strano, perverso. Tricia, senza prove né indizi, si mette sulle tracce del killer, un killer che sa di essere stato visto...
- ISBN: 8850248148
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 160
- Data di uscita: 24-08-2017
"People always see what they want to see. They’re not trained to observe the truly unexpected." This was my second BookShot. I was very hyped about it. But I think it just creates a lot of suspense from the beginning and couldn't wrap up well in the end. CHARACTERS Mrs. Patricia (Lea
I think this is my all time favorite of the Bookshots so far!
This was short and sweet - exactly what I expect from a Bookshot. It was interesting and a unique plot that was relevant to our world’s current technology. There was even a little twist in here that I thought was pretty good. If you are looking for a quick read that can be done in one sitting - this Leggi tutto
Another very good Bookshot.
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