Lauren Stillwell credeva di saper riconoscere una bugia. Si sbagliava. Lei, una tra le migliori detective di New York, non ha mai sospettato che il suo matrimonio fosse una menzogna. Eppure Paul la tradisce. Sconvolta, umiliata e in preda a un bruciante desiderio di vendetta, Lauren decide di ripagare il torto subito con la stessa moneta: cede alle lusinghe di un affascinante detective della narcotici, abbandonandosi a una notte di sesso sfrenato. Ma quella che doveva essere una semplice avventura si trasforma in un incubo senza via d'uscita. Poche ore dopo il loro incontro, infatti, il suo amante viene trovato morto e, per un beffardo scherzo del destino, le indagini vengono affidate proprio a lei, che sa molto bene chi sia l'assassino…
- ISBN: 8850247168
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 348
- Data di uscita: 18-01-2018
An enjoyably convoluted and twist ridden tale starting off with a husband killing his wife's lover… and that's just the first few pages. Typical large font, short chapter, quick action, weak storytelling and continuity, but in this case it kind of works within the confines of a policewoman and world Leggi tutto
OK... First off - If I could give LESS than 1 star - I would have! I don't normally add my "Books on Tape" to my Good Reads account. But, I had to "WARN" all my friends. This was absolutely the most ridiculous story I've ever listened to. It was SO FRUSTRATING. The characters were completely unlikea Leggi tutto
First off let me say that I am a James Patterson fan, but despite that fact this book was excellent. It is definitely a suspense thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat. I think what I like the most about it is the way in which the story is told from the begining of the novel. It is as
Ma koliko vam se činilo da je Patersonove knjige lako čitati u originalu i da su zasigurno lake za prevedom on zapravo uopšte nije mačji kašalj kada ga treba prevesti... Njegov jezik je pun zamki, frazalnih glagola, žargona i slično... I mala nepažnja prevodioca, pogrešno shvaćeno značenje može dove Leggi tutto
2/19/08 - I got this in the mail today as part of a bookray from the other online bookclub that I'm a member of. I will be putting the remaining 3 books of The Bridesmaid Chronicles on hold until I read this one! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2/21/08 - WOW...this has be Leggi tutto
“What’s good for the goose is definitely good for the desperate housewife. Even if this never happened again” ― James Patterson, The Quickie Sigh. When will I learn? Stop reading James Patterson! Did not like it. At all. It was one of the first Patterson books I ever read but I kept going because I th Leggi tutto
For years I've wondered what the big whoop about James Patterson was all about, but not enough to buy one of his novels. More recently, I've been downloading books via the Overdrive Media app from my local digital library and since so many of his titles were available, I thought what the heck, I'll
Spoiler Alert! This book sucked. There is a method authors use to get themselves out of corners that they write their characters into, and that is to give the reader a surprise "Oh you didn't know this, but way back a long time ago, this happened which makes this happen which makes it so the hero can Leggi tutto
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