Divertentissimo me - Non ci resta che ridere
Tradotto da: Alessandro Storti
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Se ci sei portato puoi tranquillamente diventare il Giovane Comico Più Divertente del Pianeta, ma essere bravi a fare ridere significa anche essere bravi a insegnarlo agli altri?
Riuscirò io, Jamie Grimm, a insegnare ai miei compagni di SCUOLA MEDIA a essere DIVERTENTISSIMI?
A dire la verità, non so nemmeno da dove cominciare. Dovrei assegnare dei compiti per casa? O qualche compito in classe a sorpresa? Magari mi basterebbe cadere di faccia per terra e sperare che ridano come pazzi?
Sarà una grande vittoria o la più grande, imbarazzante sconfitta della mia vita? Riderete CON me o riderete DI me? Scopritelo qui!
- ISBN: 8893814684
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 320
- Data di uscita: 29-03-2018
"Be kind because everyone you meet could be fighting a hard battle you know nothing about.So I say... keep 'em laughing." Couldn't have said it better James Patterson! I love this series and the message in them. Oh, and my son has loved them and we have laughed hysterically.
Jamie Grimm, the stand-up comedian who can't stand up because he is in s wheelchair, is back at school on sabbatical only to find out that his middle school has a brand new principal and vice principal. This is definitely not a good thing as the principal is more of a coach focused on supporting the Leggi tutto
It was a good book, but if they write another, I won't be reading it. Honestly, if this WAS the much needed ending of the series, I'd say they ended it on a good note. My only personal complaint is that-maybe it's just me- the jokes aren't laugh out loud funny. Sure,they make me smile, but not laugh Leggi tutto
I rated this book a 5 star because it was very funny and descriptive. The part that I liked most was when Jamie Grimms uncle likes the school librarian a lot and try's to act all fancy by wearing a suit and also changes his restaurant to a very fancy. But the librarian walks into the restaurant and
I thought that this book was very funny. It is about a kid in a wheelchair with his own TV show who also is the Planet's Funniest kid. I would recommend this book.
This book was fabulous! I was laughing so much! It was interesting and I couldn't put it down. Can Jamie Grimm teach others to be funny before it's too late and his middle school library closes? This book was hilarious!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I think a theme for this book would be "believe in yourself".
don't be afraid to embrace your true self
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