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Tradotto da: Valentina Guani, Anna Maria Biavasco
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Alex Cross arresta Elijah Creem, un chirurgo plastico molto noto che viene sorpreso nel bel mezzo di un festino a base di droghe e sesso con ragazze adolescenti. Creem però ha soldi a sufficienza per pagare la cauzione ed è disposto a tutto pur di non tornare in prigione. Cross però non ha tempo di preoccuparsi di questo caso: una donna bellissima viene trovata morta nel bagagliaio della propria auto, i lunghi capelli biondi tagliati con rabbia. Il detective sta raggiungendo la scena del crimine quando gli arriva l'agghiacciante notizia di un secondo ritrovamento: un'altra ragazza, impiccata e con una brutta cicatrice sul ventre. Al terzo cadavere, orribilmente mutilato, l’opinione pubblica è terrorizzata: sembra proprio che a Washington imperversino tre serial killer. E se invece i tre omicidi fossero collegati?
- ISBN: 8850254555
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 320
- Data di uscita: 11-07-2019
3.5* Well that was an upsetting ending. I am hoping the next book in the series picks up with more information on the Ava topic. Overall, this was a really interesting installment with a lot of action and three very interesting plots. I still hope we learn more on the Ava front because I don’t feel l Leggi tutto
James Patterson is at is best when he writes the Alex Cross series, is it because he writes these himself? I wish Patterson would concentrate on this quality rather than the Production line quantity he insists on carrying out. This was back to the quality of the early novels 'Kiss the girls' etc.
This one was both sick and satisfying. Doctors, sex trafficking, plastic surgery, a missing baby, daughter fantasy, snuff porn, etc. All while dealing with regular family problems. Some serious sickos and a side case of obsession with killing Alex Cross. This was one of the most exciting of the serie Leggi tutto
"But Cross was special. Alex was the one that Guidice wanted to kill" NEWSFLASH: Patterson goes back to the aspects that made this series one of my all-time favorites! Has has finally done it and given his fans the quality they were expecting. This book has all the elements we have come to love from t Leggi tutto
You know when you have read a series and there are quite a few books and you start to think that the author must be coming near the end of the series as they are beginning to feel tired ? I have to say that James Patterson's Alex Cross series does not fall into that category as each one still keeps
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