Il gioco della donnola
Tradotto da: Donatella Pini
Tutti i formati dell'opera
Geoffrey Shafer, funzionario dell’ambasciata inglese a Washington, è un mostro in abito scuro, camicia bianca e cravatta firmata. Un individuo spietato che si nasconde dietro la più insospettabile delle maschere, un serial killer che ha deciso di giocare la più folle delle partite, mettendo in palio la sua stessa vita. Alex Cross, profiler della squadra omicidi di Washington, è disposto a qualsiasi cosa pur di fermare la «Donnola», un assassino che si è macchiato di una serie di spaventosi delitti senza movente e senza legami. Rischiando di perdere il lavoro, la reputazione, e soprattutto la donna che ama, Cross deve affrontare il caso più anomalo e agghiacciante della sua carriera.
- ISBN: 8850252196
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 396
- Data di uscita: 15-11-2018
Well, that was a weird ending. Another excellent Alex Cross addition to the series with a brilliant and sick psycho killer and Alex distraught most of the book. It was great to see a support system come through to assist him on this one. I hope we get to see more of a resolution to events in this bo Leggi tutto
Pop Goes the Weasel is the 5th book featuring Alex Cross. This book is written a bit differently, in that, the reader knows who-did-it right away, Cross figures it out quickly; however, diplomatic immunity forces the plot more towards 'will he be made to pay for his crimes' rather than, 'will he be
Not bad at all. Moved quickly and I enjoyed the four horsemen concept for the killers. Alex is a great character to read about and the personalism of this installment made for a more edge of your seat read. But I found it predictable so that’s why I went to three stars. It was still interesting thou Leggi tutto
SPOILERS AHEAD I would say the story was entertaining and also ridiculous. We know straight at the start that Geoffrey Shafer a British Embassy official has become insane. Apparently a common occurrence amongst British diplomats. He plays a game called the Four Horsemen and he is Death. Surprise, Sur Leggi tutto
I started reading this series during The Great American Read. I was familiar with James Patterson, mostly because his name is splashed all over so many books as author, co-author, or whatever you want to call his publication style, but I had never actually read one of his books. I discovered quickly Leggi tutto
It had an exciting plot and was Interesting to some extent but being the forth book in a series, it fell flat for me. The Killer was interesting and some parts of the book held my attention but my constant checking of how many pages I have left made me question if I am really invested in the story.. Leggi tutto
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