Seconda chance
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Un delitto è sempre orribile. Ma se a morire è una ragazzina undicenne, di colore, allora una cappa nera di odio rischia di avvolgere l'intera comunità. E infatti gli occhi di tutta San Francisco sono puntati sul tenente Lindsay Boxer. Senza indizi concreti né piste valide si aggrappa all’unica risorsa su cui può contare, cioè riunire di nuovo le «Donne del club omicidi». Unite da un patto di fedeltà e di collaborazione, le quattro donne scandagliano ogni sospetto, ignare del fatto che le loro indagini rischiano di portare alla luce un segreto destinato a sconvolgere anche la loro vita privata…
- ISBN: 8850249780
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 316
- Data di uscita: 15-03-2018
Chapter 1 I drove up to the library in my black Miata. Walking in, I thought, "Hell, I deserve a book, I've had a rough couple of days." I searched the shelves looking for books on my list...nothing. I sighed. Oh but what did I see? A James Patterson, I couldn't wait to tell the girls. I grabbed it a Leggi tutto
holy crap, these are HORRIBLE books. I can't stop reading them. It's like picking a scab. Someone help me!!
Ladies, start your engines! The Women's Murder Club , introduced to legions of new fans in 1st To Die , is an intelligent, plausible, modern idea whose time has come. It's also appealingly warm and cute without being the least bit trite, silly or cloying. Lindsay Boxer, a police lieutenant in charge of Leggi tutto
"2nd Chance" by James Patterson is the second in the Women's Murder Club series. Having read and thoroughly enjoyed the first one (1st to Die) I had high expectations for this. In the usual James Patterson style the story starts off with full on action and emotion and continues through the whole book Leggi tutto
The Women’s Murder Club is back. This time they’re after a racially motivated serial killer. Lindsay once again is proving to be at the top of her game as lead detective on the case. That is, of course, with the help and support of her close friends, Jill, Claire and Cindy. Quick, suspenseful read t Leggi tutto
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