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Tradotto da: Silvia Petersson
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Nick Daniels sta per realizzare l'intervista più importante della sua carriera. L'ex campione dei New York Yankees Dwayne Robinson rivelerà in esclusiva, alla prestigiosa rivista Citizen, le ragioni del suo repentino e incomprensibile ritiro dal mondo dello sport. Ma il giorno dell'intervista, in uno dei ristoranti più in voga di Manhattan, nel tavolo accanto a quello di Nick si consuma un atroce delitto. Vincent Marcozza, noto avvocato legato a uno dei più potenti capimafia della città, viene ucciso da un sicario. Comincia così per Nick Daniels, involontario testimone chiave, un'inaspettata discesa agli inferi innescata da un indizio che si rivelerà quanto mai subdolo...
- ISBN: 885025413X
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 306
- Data di uscita: 21-11-2019
Sees a journalist get caught up in a city-wide conspiracy starting with the very public murder of a mob lawyer. A wide raging conspiracy possibly involving the local criminal organisations, the law enforcers and sports stars! Don't blink or you might miss something? A bit off the mark compared to his Leggi tutto
An absolute revelation! One star: one cliched, hackneyed, gadawful star. It was around page 250 that this book changed my life. I couldn't understand before then. No way, no context. No truth. Now my eyes are open. People who watch Bridezillas and SpikeTV need something to read while they poop! And ever Leggi tutto
Don't Blink is the first James Patterson novel I've read in more than two years and his formula for delivering a fast-paced murder mystery was there in [Sam] Spade[s]. Written in the first person through main character Nick Daniels, Patterson and co-author Howard Roughan deliver what his loyal reader Leggi tutto
I really enjoyed this book, but since I'm a diehard James Patterson fan I wasn't surprised. When I first started reading it I wasn't sure I'd really like it. It starts out in the first person, then several chapters later changes to third person. It threw me off at first, but I got used to. Some prev Leggi tutto
I pre-warn you, I am on a serious case of getting on my soap box here so if you don't want to listen to 50% opinion and a 50% rant to the author then please feel free to read no further. The fact that I read this in a day and a half, and then spent a 20 minute walk moaning about it to my sister speak Leggi tutto
পাঠ-প্রতিক্রিয়া: জেমস প্যাটারসনের লেখা এই প্রথম পড়া হলো 'ডোন্ট ব্লিংক' বই দিয়ে। গল্পের প্রথমেই শুরু একটা খুন দিয়ে। যা অনেক বীভৎস ছিলো। সেই খুনের প্রমাণ পায় নিক ড্যানিয়েলস নামে এক তরুণ। এর পরেই শুরু হয় সাপলুডুর মতো খেলা। নিক এক দান মেরে মই বেয়ে উঠলে সাপের মতো মাফিয়া চক্র তাকে আবার নামিয়ে আনে Leggi tutto
the word is shallow. and in a way the writing is so fluid that as a writer i can just envy. it seems like coming so easy with plenty of inventions. but on the whole if you want to block your mind in a flight, which i did, it is ok. i read much better Petterson thrillers so going to put it aside as s Leggi tutto
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