Luna di sangue
Tradotto da: Federica Garlaschelli
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Una coppia uccisa nella sauna di un resort ai Caraibi. Un’altra coppia brutalmente assassinata poco prima di salire su un aereo per Roma. E poi un’altra ancora… Non può essere un caso: qualcuno sta prendendo di mira giovani sposi in luna di miele. L’agente dell’FBI John O’Hara sta combattendo la sua battaglia contro i fantasmi del passato, e l'ultima cosa di cui avrebbe bisogno è un'altra indagine. Ma la crudeltà del killer non può lasciarlo indifferente…
L'agente speciale Sarah Brubaker non riesce a crederci: ha appena avuto l'incarico di indagare sulla morte di un certo John O'Hara quando, dall'altra parte del Paese, viene ucciso un uomo con lo stesso nome. Poi un terzo. E c'è qualcuno molto caro al presidente degli Stati Uniti che si chiama… sì, John O'Hara.
Due casi inquietanti. Due poliziotti disposti a infrangere le regole pur di risolverli. Ma cosa unisce queste due linee di sangue? E, soprattutto, perché?
- ISBN: 8867026038
- Casa Editrice: Tre60
- Pagine: 368
- Data di uscita: 09-07-2020
Another case for FBI agent John O''Hare. In this mediocre thriller he finds two distinct serial killers on the loose; and one of them is targeting newlyweds on honeymoons. Of all the James Patterson books I've read, this is one of the least compelling. 4 out of 12, a paltry Two Stars. 2010 read
"I felt a little like a kid with a secret decoder ring from a box of Cracker Jack." Second Honeymoon (Honeymoon, #2) by James Patterson You know what? It was not bad. However, a book's being "not bad" does not mean I adored it. Here's the thing-I keep on trying to read Patterson even though I have not Leggi tutto
This one ended up being very good! I enjoyed both the crime plots, especially the new honeymoon killer crime plot aspect while having another crime plot to pick up on the older honeymoon killing plot in a new way. I find John’s character to be an amusing screwup! I really enjoyed this one. My quick Leggi tutto
A quick-read. I guess I'd have loved this book 7 years ago, but now it just reminds me of hundreds thrillers that I've read before. The story wasn't bad but it didn't stood out either. It's worth to read if you are looking for any book, but don't expect it to be world-changing.
If you haven't read Honeymoon by James Patterson and Howard Roughan, you definitely should, and before you read its sequel Second Honeymoon. Though Second Honeymoon is a quick, fun beach read, Honeymoon was better. But, if you can suspend reality for a little while, you will get lost in this fast-mo Leggi tutto
I'm a James Patterson fan now. This second series was amazing. So it concludes with Nora's brother seeking revenge for the murder of his sister. Also there is another killer on the loose that lands John O'Hara meeting someone who will change his life.
Okay...I love books by James Patterson so I was thrilled to begin this new book by him. That opinion changed though. After reading 153 pages or so of the book (it was on my iPad) I thought to myself, how do all these different plots add up and how are they related? Each chapter began with new charac Leggi tutto
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