Il maestro
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Un commesso di un elegante negozio di abbigliamento, il maître dell’esclusivo 21 Club e una hostess dell’Air France sono le prime vittime della scia di morti che «il Maestro» si sta lasciando dietro, una scia che non sembra seguire un disegno preciso. L’intero dipartimento di Polizia di New York è sotto pressione, e in particolare il detective Michael Bennett, che deve fronteggiare un’emergenza anche nella vita privata. Rimasto vedovo da poco, Michael ha infatti ben dieci figli adottivi che mettono a dura prova la sua pazienza. E mentre le indagini si complicano e Bennett si ritrova impantanato in una falsa pista, che finisce per confondere ancora di più le carte, il vero assassino arriva a minacciarlo molto da vicino…
- ISBN: 8850245297
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 278
- Data di uscita: 26-01-2017
I was not as drawn into this installment as I was the first book. I will continue the series but this book was only ok in my opinion. It just did not grab me like book one. The characters were still great and the ending hints to the next book having a good plot. My quick and simple overall: not bad
First it’s an easy book to read. Second I was entertained and laughed at loud when i read the line ‘Maybe Donald Trump went postal’. Given the novel was written in 2009 that is scary. This is also a story written solely by Patterson and not coauthored which in my humble opinion are always better. Th Leggi tutto
Another great read!
A sadistic killer is on the loose in New York City. He calls himself the “Teacher”. He is going around punishing everyone from the girl talking on her phone to the top elite of New York. The teacher reminds everyone to remember your manner or suffer the consequences. Detective Michael Bennett a trai Leggi tutto
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