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La vita di Ned Kelly sembra andare a gonfie vele.Il suo lavoro lo fa sentire sempre in vacanza – si prende cura dei bagnanti in un lussuoso resort a Palm Beach – e ha conosciuto da poco l'australiana Tess, seducente, ricchissima e disponibile. Ma soprattutto gli si è appena presentata l’occasione di sistemarsi per sempre. Un milione di dollari lo aspetta se riuscirà a distrarre la polizia durante una rapina nella villa di un collezionista d’arte.Ma qui cominciano i guai.Anzitutto non c'è nulla da rubare, dato che i dipinti sono misteriosamente spariti. Poi i suoi quattro complici vengono assassinati, a uno a uno. Infine Tess è ritrovata senza vita nella suite del suo hotel.Accusato di omicidio, Ned è ricercato dall’Fbi e deve fuggire da tutti e da tutto. Il suo unico obiettivo è provare la sua innocenza. Il suo unico aiuto è Ellie, una poliziotta determinata e pronta a infrangere le regole. Ma chi sta tramando contro di lui?
- ISBN: 8850261608
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 352
- Data di uscita: 23-09-2021
Oh my goodness, but this was bad! I love James Patterson, but I won't be looking for a book co-authored by Andrew Gross any time soon. And, guys? We are smart. Smart enough NOT to need you to repeat people's names in every line of dialog ad nauseum. It is one of my pet peeves. Like, "Ellie, did you
Decent book. Quick little summer read but honestly I didn’t enjoy it as much as I hoped I would. Not as intriguing or attention grabbing as some of the other Patterson books but it was an okay book. Quick read though so not a waste of reading time at all. My quick and simple overall: would have like Leggi tutto
One of the best from the author, in my humble opinion with no match in the Women's Murder Club series: the plot is promising, characters (Ellie, Sollie and Ned) are alive and wake empathy, the style is simple and allert, and, of course, the final is a happy one. On the other hand, there are quite a
This was a quick, easy, and fun adventure story. I like James Patterson, although I can’t read too many of his books in a row, and I love that he partnered with lesser known authors. I don’t think I would say this was a new favorite of his, but I’m on vacation and this definitely fit the bill for a Leggi tutto
Lifeguard, by James Patterson and Andrew Gross, is a good, quick, action-packed read. Art theft and murder with romance thrown in. Patterson is one of my go to author's when I want an enjoyable quick read.
I’m like a hypocritical “vegetarian” that goes around telling people how unhealthy beef is, and then I secretly stuff my face with quarter-pounders when no one is looking. I’m a total book snob. You’re reading THAT? I’ll ask a friend after hearing about their latest grocery store book purchase. And t Leggi tutto
While it started off good it degraded quickly. Maybe I expect too much. When characters are supposed to be street smart and book smart I have a hard time believing they would talk to the cops without a lawyer. Yeah I know people talk to cops without their lawyer all the time, those are the people in Leggi tutto
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