Maximum Ride. Salvare il mondo e altri sport estremi
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Max e i suoi compagni sono increduli: dopo la loro fuga dalla Itex, la multinazionale che sta preparando un attentato di proporzioni catastrofiche, nessuno li insegue. Anzi la Voce informa Max che i Camici Bianchi stanno sopprimendo tutti gli Eliminatori? È l'occasione che i ragazzi stavano aspettando: Max e Fang si separano dal resto del gruppo e vanno alla ricerca di un nascondiglio sicuro, dove poter finalmente vivere una vita «normale». Tuttavia i pericoli sono dietro l'angolo: uno stormo immenso di Eliminatori accerchia Iggy, Nudge, Angel e Gasman, e, dopo una cruenta battaglia, li rapisce. Quando Max e Fang tornano indietro, intuiscono cos'è successo e si lanciano all'inseguimento degli Eliminatori. Ma è una trappola: Max viene catturata, perde i sensi e si risveglia nella Scuola, dove i Camici Bianchi le dicono che non si è mai mossa da lì, che le sue avventure erano soltanto un sogno'
- ISBN: 8850220065
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 404
- Data di uscita: 29-10-2009
I find one of the great benefits of teaching is being able to buy/read ya lit without having to justify to myself its literary merit (I'm buying it for my classroom library; I'm reading it for research). Much of the YA Lit that I read though, is, in fact, well written, intelligent, thought-provoking Leggi tutto
HATED IT. I never hate books. This was so poorly written, such a mess of mixed up voice, bad dialog and improbably situations. A total waste of paper.
I find it funny that after nearly a decade passed since I last devoured this series, I come on Goodreads and everyone's trashing it. Would it make me less credible if I gave this 4 stars? Should I be caring? I wanted to give this 5 stars but after reading through a few irate reviews I decided to tak Leggi tutto
This book was intended to complete the Maximum Ride series; thanks to its popularity, James Patterson wrote even more sequels. Still, it has the intensity and excitement you'd expect from such a finale. There were so many twists and turns, it felt like a blockbuster movie or old-school-style action/ Leggi tutto
Just like the last two books, Max is on the run. Evil Erasers are after her, only now they're robotic. And there are more evil scientists, all ready to be the most clichè villains imaginable. I actually took notes on this book. It was so bad I didn't want to forget a single moment. The book opens with Leggi tutto
Okay, I would love to give this book ever-so-many more stars, but nothing ruins a book like half-a$$ed politics. I mean, really?!? James, or whoever really wrote this (who is brilliant and the object of my emulation in so many ways), do you really want all children to be socialist democrats? It's just Leggi tutto
I loved this one! It was so ansty! Fang is such a flawed and dramatic character but I love him no matter what weird stuff he does (which I will have to remember when book 7 comes around). Max and the gang are fun and lovable as always.
"'Hi,' I said lamely. Unfortunately, finding out who my parents actually were had not improved my social graces by leaps and bounds. Oh, well." The quote above shows exactly why I like this book. Max is so sarcastic and I love the touch she gives to converstations. For example; the way she mocks
(view spoiler) [ Max and Fang. Two peas in a pod. I've got your back, you got mine, kind of relationship. Right? That's all it is? Wrong. Fang and Max share a kiss. Awkward. While things remain weird and unsolved amongst them, they end up stuck with the whitecoats...again. Once they are able to escape, Max makes a (hide spoiler)] Leggi tutto
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