L'ottava confessione
Tradotto da: Anna Maria Biavasco, Valentina Guani
Tutti i formati dell'opera
È una mattina come tante, a San Francisco, e Cindy Thomas si sta dirigendo verso la redazione del Chronicle, quando qualcosa attira la sua attenzione. Una piccola folla di senzatetto si accalca intorno al cadavere di un uomo, reso irriconoscibile da numerosi colpi di pistola al volto. Nessuno sa dirle chi fosse realmente. I disperati che aiutava lo chiamavano Bagman Jesus, e tutti hanno una bella storia su di lui da raccontare. Ma allora chi poteva volerlo morto? Cindy chiama subito la sua amica Lindsay Boxer della Omicidi, che però ha già le sue gatte da pelare... Il jet set della città è percorso da una strana e inarrestabile scia di morte. Troppi assassini e troppo poche risposte. Alle «Donne del Club Omicidi» il compito di trovarle.
- ISBN: 8850253923
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 296
- Data di uscita: 16-05-2019
The main story (the policier, I should say) is a decent one, despite Yuki's poor activity, both professional and amorous, and Claire's lack in finding some snake-bites, even at a third look. The second "Sex and the City"-like part is quite a poor one and characters, especially Lindsay (Miss Ugly Meno Leggi tutto
Just when you were feeling guilty for not noticing the homeless or caring enough, that all got flipped on it’s head. And what an interesting murder weapon with the other story line. This was a good one. I haven’t read any of this series in a while but I do enjoy it.
He and I are thisclose to breaking up. I'm going to give the next Alex Cross book another try and if that isn't fantastic, Patterson and I are done. For real. This is the 8th installment in Patterson's Women's Murder Club series. There are two murder mysteries going on. The first is a series of crimes Leggi tutto
This is the first of the series that I actually read. I listened to all of the others on CD while working. I have come to the conclusion that's the best way to experience these books. When I picked up the book at my library, I thought I'd mistakenly put the Large Print version on hold. Tons of white Leggi tutto
I can't help it. I love murder mysteries, especially the quick, easy-to-read one's. My obsession with one of these novels is such that I have to refrain from reading them during the school year, because otherwise I would get nothing done. I become so enthralled with whichever novel I'm reading that
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