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Il potente narcotrafficante messicano Manuel Perrine non teme niente e nessuno. Michael Bennett è l’unico che sia mai riuscito ad arrestarlo, ma ora Perrine è fuggito dal tribunale dove si stava tenendo il processo a suo carico e ha giurato di trovare e uccidere il detective e tutte le persone a lui care. Costretti a lasciare New York, Bennett e i suoi dieci figli adottivi si sono nascosti in una sperduta fattoria, sotto il programma di protezione dei testimoni dell’FBI. Una situazione che pesa sul morale di tutti: Michael è stato sollevato dell’incarico, i ragazzi non possono frequentare la scuola e l’isolamento forzato è motivo di continue tensioni. Intanto Perrine, deciso a dare la scalata all’industria della droga, dà inizio a una sanguinosa campagna di terrore. L’FBI non ha scelta: deve chiedere a Michael Bennett di rischiare tutto per stanare Perrine e sconfiggerlo.
- ISBN: 8850249063
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 312
- Data di uscita: 18-01-2018
I am not sure if it is just me but I am getting really fed up of all James Patterson's long running series. His stand alone novels show that he (and his co authors) can write good tales when they put their minds to it but the long running ones are just getting boring. This book does round off what h Leggi tutto
3.5* Gone picks up where I, Michael Bennett left off, with the family on the run so let’s get them into hiding on a farm to escape crime lord, Perrine. Things take a drastic and brutal turn as the FBI and LAPD ask Michael Bennett to assist in bringing Perrine down: as in law enforcement officers are Leggi tutto
Promises much but delivers little As a former Patterson fan, this was disappointing. It looks exciting on the outside but I ended up disliking the principle character because of his womanising. Also, would you really leave your ten motherless kids who are already in witness protection to try and snar Leggi tutto
What's not to like? This series stars a street-wise detective, Michael Bennett, now on the run from a Mexican drug kingpin. While earlier novels focused more on Bennett, the recipe has been altered with a touch more comedic flavor from the ten adopted children, as well as the spice of a brewing roma Leggi tutto
This book was originally going to get a 2-star rating from me, until the last big action scene of the story managed to make it enjoyable enough for 3 stars. The thing is, I love reading about Michael Bennett's kids and his nanny. I think they're really interesting characters. I really, really don't li Leggi tutto
After the way the last Michael Bennett book finished, i couldn't wait for this to be released... Now I've read it I'm so disappointed.. The beginning was slow and boring, too much about how life on the farm was, and milking cows. The ending was rushed, very rushed... I couldn't believe after 2 books Leggi tutto
Michael Bennett book No. 6: Michael Bennett and his extended and very large family are under Government protection, hiding from a Latino drug baron, who's just about to more or less declare war on the State of California! Good solid page turner as ever. 5 out of 12.
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